01 | Every Last Drop

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When I first wrote Chapter 1, this story came to life in a way I didn't imagine. Partly because I had no idea if I would last 10 chapters. But, here we are with a finished book *pats self on back* that you may or may not enjoy... only time will tell ;) 

Also, thank you. I'm taking a chance on this and I am grateful you're taking a chance on me <3

01: Every Last Drop

Women can fake an orgasm, but men can fake an entire relationship.

Ask my ex.

He got tired of waiting and moved on to a sure thing. Kelly I-smile-at-everything Mathers. It's OK. It only feels like open heart surgery, but that's yesterday's news.

Luke Dawson is the real news around here. Yes, I changed the conversation.

Seriously though, Luke Dawson is what everybody talks about. Star athlete and sex dream material. His washboard abs make you want to rip every T-shirt in sight, just so he'd have nothing to wear.

He's hot.

Ice cream weather hot. The kind where you'd lick every drop.

Too far? I thought so too before I saw him. And I see him a lot because he lives on my street. Life can throw you a bone like that from time to time.

I peeked out of my bedroom window at Luke now. He was walking up the driveway, gym bag slung across his shoulder. A reincarnation of the sexiest man -


I jumped as my best friend walked into the room, catching me.

"What are you-" Julia came over and saw exactly what I was looking at, "Keep dreaming girl. That boy was made for a different world."

"I know," I sighed, opening my laptop to log in to Netflix.

We were about to re-watch season 3 of TVD. #Delena creates such unrealistic relationship goals and I'm living for it.

"Why would you even have a Netflix account when you have him across the street?" she asked, taking my place at the window, "Can you see his room from here?"

"No," I turned the blinds down before we got any creepier, "Probably for the best."

"Fine," Julia sighed and reluctantly changed subject, "So, are you teaching at that summer camp again?"

"Yeah, I get paid for it. Means I can do fewer hours at the store when school starts," I said.

My family's tight stripped for cash. It doesn't help that my sister has a compulsive shopping habit and my mum is a serial dater. As for my dad? Yeah, your guess is as good as mine.

"Maybe you'll hang out with someone your age this year," Julia joked.

Last summer, I only made friends with the younger kids at camp. People my age tend to ignore me. But truthfully, I could never have predicted what was about to happen. In a matter of weeks, my whole world would be turned upside down, inside out and shaken from side to side. I was a nobody and, don't worry, I still am. But a nobody who knows Luke Dawson is not a nobody at all.


Camp Beaver Hill

A sleepover camp for boys and girls aged 8-13. I never went here growing up, so I didn't exactly have camp cheer, but the job paid. I parked my car behind the administration cabin and walked inside.

"Hi Khloe," I greeted the counselor at the 'greeting desk'.

She was a rising senior at my high school and we were both counselors here last year. We even taught a volleyball session together where I shared my protein bars with her (big sacrifice).

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