41 | Dirt

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We're at 666k readers.  I don't want to be superstitious or anything... but I quickly uploaded this chapter. And it's a long one.

Chapter 41: Dirt

Chad lived in the nicest part of town. His driveway had a fountain in it and, for whatever reason, his family had imported a cactus for their garden.

We found five briefcases by the front door in different shades of brown. They had been flown in from Milan for Chad's dad. I was staring at them when Luke touched my arm and led me across the marble foyer. Large glass doors opened out into a luxurious garden.

I had no idea Chad lived like this.

There was a blue pool with a blowup white swan floating in the middle. His friends were sitting in the shade, surrounded by cactus trees and flowers in bright blue pots.

"You're back," Oma greeted him, as she relaxed under the shade of a fashionable straw hat, "You've been too busy for us, Luke."

I recognized Oma from school. She was a super popular senior and head of the Chemistry club. Her best friend was Bianca.

"Does everyone know Millie?" Luke asked, slowing down so that I was in front of him.

I felt exposed. All eyes on me. This was the same group I had accidentally bumped into in the classroom my first day. The one that was having a private lunch party.

"Millayyy, come over and have a drink," Austin called out to me, raising a pitcher of spiked lemonade. 

"Hi," I waved back. 

I was nervous about being here, but his warm welcome was soothing. Bianca didn't say anything. She was looking me up and down, up and down, as if her eyes were locked on repeat.

Chad stepped forward, "Why do I recognize her?"

I remembered him passed out on the couch at Austin's party. His drool on Austin's pillow.

"It's hard to recognize you with your eyes open," I joked. Luke smiled behind me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. 

I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach, but they were dancing to their own soundtrack. His hand lowered down my back, passing between my shoulder muscles, sending chills through my spine.  His touch was soft and his movements were smooth.  

I wanted to close my eyes and savor every feeling... but that would look weird in front of his friends. 

It was encouraging to feel his support. Luke knew this was a tough crowd and wanted to be vocal in making me feel welcome. Bianca didn't get the memo.

"Can someone explain to me why a nerd's been invited? She's not even in our year," Bianca huffed, "You're in the year below."

"But she's on a higher level," Luke answered easily, as if comebacks were second nature to him. "If you want me to stick around Bianca, behave."

O.K.  Luke is not afraid to fire shots. I was starting to admire that in him.

"But we have rules-"

"Do I look like I care?"

Bianca's lip quivered.  There was a very awkward silence that ensued.  Luke wasn't about to back down and Bianca looked like she was about to cry.  The last thing I wanted was to cause a rift between Luke and his friends.

"I'm hooked on her!" Austin exclaimed, coming over to give me a one arm hug and dispel the tension, "This girl does funny and random sh*t and calls people out on their own. It's refreshing. More lemonade?"

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