16 | Ombudsman

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To the amazing Spoby4lifeff_1, ewuraamhar31, disneyfreak777, KemeAdriana, zalfie-narcus and Undiscovered-Author for being the first to vote on my last chapter.  To mmxngx for your heartfelt comments.

This chapter is for every single reader who connects to this story! 

Chapter 16: Ombudsman

I don't know why Tamara, the runway model and summer camp beauty queen, was yelling at me for stealing her man.  

Firstly, that's not my style.  

And secondly, I am just about the most unpopular girl at this camp.  It's giving me wayyy too much credit.  I couldn't steal a hamster away from its running wheel.  

"You two are no longer a thing?" I asked her.

It's news to me.

Her hair was frizzy like she forgot to straighten it this morning.  And her eyes were puffy like she'd been crying.  She still looked gorgeous though.  But damn Luke for making girls suffer.  This is exactly the kind of thing I was used to hearing about him.

Heart breaker.

He changes girls like he changes moods.

Oh, and that brings me on to my third (and most important) reason why I don't like being accused of stealing anyone.  It makes people sound like property.

"You are a whore-" Tamara pointed at me.

I cut her off immediately.  I guess Luke's right.  I'm a PG person and I like to keep things that way.

"This seems like a decision made by two independent adults, so I don't think I'm needed here," I said, picking up my book from the lounge chair. 

I was about to head inside when Austin Taylor walked out of the cabin with a bowl of fruit loops in his hand. When did he even get here? 

I took a couple steps back.

"I smell DRAMA cooking out here," he greeted everyone, and then casually mentioned, "You've run out of honey by the way, Millie.  Might want to restock."

I blinked at him. "Do you live here now?"

He has inventory check on lock. 

"I swing by when there's nothing on TV," he shrugged, "Who knew this cabin in the middle of nowhere is the center of so much action."

Where was Luke?

He must have left while I was asleep.  

"Who are you?" Tamara asked, toning her anger down now that there was another attractive guy standing in between us.

"What a question," Austin chuckled, eating another spoonful of cereal, "You must be Tara."



These boys.  

"I'm glad you've both met," I said, remembering to pick up Luke's speakers, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have nothing better to do but even that is better than staying out here."

"Where are you going?  I am not finished with you," Tamara ordered me.

"Weren't you dating Luke?" Austin asked, not liking her tone either.

Tamara lowered her voice, "I am dating Luke.  She is trying to get in between us."

"There is no us."

Everyone turned around to find Luke, walking up the steps to the cabin with Malik beside him.  He was in black shorts and Jordan PSG sneakers.  He had sunglasses and a shirt on - which is a surprise, I was starting to think he was allergic to shirts. 

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