56 | Your Own Grave

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Chapter 56: Your Own Grave

Luke and Jake were surprised to see the rest of us walk out of the crowded cafeteria behind them.  The hallway was not busy during lunchtime and we appreciated the privacy it gave us.

Luke saw me. He walked towards me and memories of last night flashed before me.

I felt the butterflies rise in my stomach again, as his hands touched my arms. His left hand squeezed mine and he leant down to kiss me. All I wanted to do was kiss back.

"In here!" Austin said, walking into an empty classroom and waving everyone in behind him.

He gave Luke a sharp look.

I tried to decipher what it meant. Austin and Luke had been friends for so long, that so much could be communicated unspoken between them.

"He doesn't want me to kiss you in front of Jake," Luke explained, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

Austin wanted us to be respectful in front of Jake.  I glanced over.

Bianca was busy complimenting him, "That was an unbelievable performance last night, Jake. I didn't know you could sing like that."

"Thanks, I've been working on that song for a couple months now," he answered, and his eyes flickered over mine.

I blushed. Come clean, my conscience said. But not like I did back at the Dawson house. My confession had caused a total meltdown there.

"He can't shut his mouth," Luke muttered, noticing the look Jake gave me and was not pleased by it.

"You've got something to say to my face?"

They were head-to-head in a way that immediately reminded me of the last fight. Thankfully, Austin wriggled in between them and shoved them apart.

Luke got straight to the point now, not wanting to hang around any longer than he needed to. 

"I heard you've been talking sh*t about me," he said, "to her."

He gave me a look. He knew I didn't like when he swears.

Jake fired back, "So insecure that you're spying on us."

Luke glanced in my direction and winked. "See, I'm not overconfident."

It's true. I call him cocky all the time.

I tried not to laugh. I didn't want to undermine Jake.

"Anyway Jakey, thank you for that, but no," Luke said, "People like to tell me things. Be careful what you say in class. You should stick to your Shakespeare."

My mouth dropped open. Who is listening to us in English Lit?

"I don't know what's going on anymore," I stepped up to the conversation.

It was a sticky, ugly one but we needed to have it. All three of us. And despite the romantic moments Luke and I have had... there was still something on the back of my mind...

"You're both calling each other insincere," I declared, "Saying that your motives for liking me are deceitful. Imagine how much more insecure that makes me. One of you is lying. Or both of you."

Eenie, minnie, miney, mo...

I've been cheated on before. I've been lied to before. And I've been told I'm not worth much by most of the people around me. Sue me for being cautious.

"Jake noticed you because I noticed you," Luke said, "Simple."

"Don't even try that, Luke. I met her in a class. I didn't run her down the street-"

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