61 | End of the Beginning

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We've come a long way together.  And now it's the final chapter x

Chapter 60: End of the Beginning

The sun is gone but I have a light ~ Kurt Cobain

The night is always so dark. I saw the violence that burst out of it and the mess it left in its wake. Paramedics were lifting Austin into an ambulance, setting him alongside Christopher's injured friend.

Chad's car was dented, scratched and had a smashed window. He sat on the cement pavement, leaning against the wheel of his car while his hand bled on his lap.

Luke held me in his arms even though he was injured himself. He kissed me and made sure I was alright.

I was alright. We were all going to be alright.

Then, Luke and I separated to see to our friends. I went towards the ambulance. Chris was trying to push past the paramedics to join his friend inside.

"There's no space for you to accompany him. You can see him in the hospital," they told Chris, before they tried pinning him down to ten to his own wounds.

"Austin," I called into the ambulence, "We're here for you. Do you hear me?"

"You're shouting, Millie, so yes we all hear you," Austin responded from his stretcher. His humor had not gone anywhere.

"How do you feel?" I called out, not lowering my voice at all.

"This is VIP transportation so I'm good."

I smiled but cast a worried glance in Chad's direction. Luke was crouching beside Chad now, helping him get up. Chad put his weak arm over Luke's shoulder and leant his full weight. Luke heaved him up and they walked towards us.

My gaze softened watching them.

In my short time with Luke, I have seen the power of friendship. His friends go through fire for each other, with each other. They stay true in a way I haven't experienced before.

In the thick of the fight, Chad and Luke had protected each other when the gang turned on them for my necklace. I remember seeing that. My silly necklace. It wasn't worth all this.

The silver necklace sat in my pocket and I felt it like a heavy weight on me. I felt partly to blame for what happened tonight.

Chad sat down as a paramedic came to tend to him. He shifted his weight off Luke's shoulder and Luke stumbled. He was wounded and carrying Chad had exerted a lot of physical pressure on him. I ran to help Luke, but the paramedics were already beside him.

They criticized him for injuring himself further and sent him to sit with Chris.

"You're all under eighteen so we will be calling your legal guardians as soon as we arrive at the hospital," the paramedic said, "The police will also be there to take your statements. Now, no one is in a critical condition. So, you can stop helping each other and focus on yourselves."

The gambler's bike gang stayed at a distance from the paramedics. They had helped in the fight but didn't want to go much further.

Their leader came up to me, now, and said, "A comedic muse who's always one step away from catastrophe."

"It tends to pan out that way when we meet, doesn't it?" I remarked, "I may be your muse, but you may be my bad omen."

He laughed, "I've been called that before."

My eyes gravitated to Luke. I felt comforted by the sight of him. Hearing his deep voice calmed me and seeing his captivating presence revitalized me. He was in a deep conversation with Chris.

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