10 | Put A Shirt On

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Thank you @Ethannnnn for DMing me this poster with such good summer vibes

Chapter 10: Put A Shirt On

When the sun doesn't shine on you. When the world forgets your name... then there should be some inspirational quote to lift you up.

Let me know if you find one. I still haven't gotten mine.

Yesterday seemed like a dream. A chance to glimpse into someone else's life; a life where everything always shines.

Luke was lucky.

He was born with attributes way off the charts. Handsome, smart and athletic. And, even though I hate to admit it, he had charm. 

The only charm I had was in my cereal bowl. (Lucky Charms)

Here we were, standing in the baseball pitch in the middle of the day – Luke Dawson and me.

"Learn how to catch, Minnie," he said, with the ball he caught for me in his hand.

I stared up at him, at his teasing smile and his deep blue eyes. His tan skin glowed under the sun. He saw how I was lost for words and he gave me time, drawing his arm back to throw a powerful shot. He flicked his wrist to add a backspin, as the ball flew out of his hand. It went flying straight towards the other thrower.

The catcher took his cap off to admire the throw. A few compliments came his way.

"Why?" I finally asked.

"You'll let something good slip between your fingers."

What does that even mean?  I let a lot of things slip.

"Why did you come here?" I asked.

"I'm going to need you to give me back those keys."

"I already did. Mr Woodhouse has them so he can pass them on to your new roommate."

"Yeah, give the new ones to me." He repeated and held out my old keys.

"I don't understand." Why did he have my old keys? Why would he give me my old keys? He must have just been at the admin cabin.

Does this mean...

"You're not moving cabins, Millie. I got comfortable around you."



I didn't react. I didn't even blink.

Luke Dawson had called off the exchange. He must have gone to Mr Woodhouse and said he wanted me. Well, probably not like that. He said he wanted to stay in the Apple Cabin with 'the weird girl'.

I think he saw the stars in my eyes. He ruffled my hair with his arrogant smirk.

"Don't go soft, Minnie. You'll be able to pay me back for my laptop now."

And there it was. Classic Luke back in play.


I slept in the same bed that night. I even unpacked now that I knew I wasn't going anywhere. It felt weird knowing Luke requested me to stay. No one had requested me for anything before... let alone Luke.

No skunk cabin for me.

I tried to sleep. It always takes me a while to get there. I replay everything that happens in the day and I think back to whatever chores I have left to do. Eventually, sleep comes.


In the morning, Tamara's voice echoed out of Luke's room. She had stayed overnight, her clothes discarded on the floor. 

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