31 | The Grotto

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Picture above: me writing a chapter, but spending most of the time drinking chocolate milk (on Instagram @NatalieInACorner)

Chapter 31: The Grotto

Luke Dawson was trying to convince me that there's a party inside Austin's cupboard.

And this is why magic never dies.

"You've lost it. I always knew this day would come, and I am here to help," I told him, generously offering my services.

All I had to do was call in the men with white coats.

Luke shook his head, not entertaining me. "Just get in."

I stared at him like he was crazy, "No! And I mean.... NO. You're not going to lock me into a f*cking cupboard. It's the most childish bully move."

We nerds know how this game is played. It ain't my first rodeo.

"I'm not locking you in a cupboard, Millie," Luke sighed in disbelief that we were having this conversation, but I was already off on my own tangent.

"Give me a stick and call me Harry Potter!" I waved my hand in the air and pronounced Harry's name in a super British accent.

You know, 'cos Harry Potter lived in a cupboard under the stairs...

"Maybe if you look in the cupboard, you'll find a broomstick, Harry," Luke played along, opening the door for me himself.

I gasped. I stared over his shoulder and double gasped. The cupboard was actually a basement door, with tiki torches that lined the steps on either side, leading down into darkness. Heavy music pumped through the floorboard and voices wafted up towards us.

"Is this a cult?" I whispered, thinking back to the old lady that greeted us, "Was Gloria trying to fatten us up?"

Everything about her little tea sandwiches and jumping jiminy references suddenly seemed very creepy to me now.

"And she took our shoes!" I gasped, convincing myself that we were about to be taken.

Luke gave up on me and went in. I didn't even notice that I was holding onto him as he walked down the stairs ahead of me. I was gripping his broad shoulders, terrified.

He didn't say anything. The flames from the torches cast shadows on the wall behind us. He was quiet, and as I lowered my hand from his shoulder to his bicep, I felt his muscles flex under my touch. He tensed.

I almost stopped on the step I was on. Did he just react to my touch?

The air was damp and I felt the music vibrate through the floor. There were people down here.

"LUKE! Finally bro!"

A boy with a shaved chest approached us, pointing at Luke. He had a gold, family crest signet on his ring finger. He pushed people out of his way.

Luke nodded at him, "What's up, Chad."

I think he expected Chad to keep moving, but the guy stopped in front of us and they fist bumped. I looked at him up close. His shaggy hair was shoulder length and he had a short stubble beard.

Luke brought the attention on me. "Have you met Millie?"

Chad looked over to me like I was an insect stuck to his foot. "What's this?"

"I don't know how to answer that," I answered, "But my name's Millie."

"I don't get it," Chad said. 

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