19 | Alpha Males

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This story is not about to turn into a werewolf fanfic, despite what the title suggest.  Just wanted to make that clear up front lol.

Chapter 19: Alpha Males

Stacey and her friend blocked the bathroom exit.  

"What did you hear?" they asked me, threateningly.

"Me?" I asked, looking around to see if there was anyone else they were talking to. "I don't hear much.  A lot of wax gets caught up in-"

"What did you hear, weasel?" Stacey interrupted me.

"So aggressive," I commented, shaking my head.

I washed my hands with extra soap and calmly walked over to the dryer.  I made them wait awkwardly while I dried my hands.  The noise prevented any of us from hearing each other.

And gave me an extra minute to collect my thoughts.

How to get out of this situation with minimum drama... I wish there was a Youtube tutorial for these kinds of things.

"You heard everything, didn't you?" Stacey's friend guessed.

"Yes," I admitted, "I was paying extra attention."

"Well there's nothing you can do about it.  We have the photo and it's our decision what to do with it," Stacey held out her phone as if that was proof enough.

She was like the evil character in movies that tell you too much of their master plan.

"Can I see it?" I asked.

"Never," she gave me a harsh look and spun on her heels, swinging the door dramatically on her way out.

It was worth a shot. The situation went better than I expected.

Her friend followed and I waited a few minutes before leaving as well.  As fun as hiding in the bathroom was, I figured I might be missing the point of the dance floor.   


I walked back into the 1980s town hall. It had started to rain outside. The pitter-patter of the raindrops on the wooden roof was drowned out by music from two loud speakers near the stage. Mr Woodhouse was the DJ. It took me a minute to recognize him in a purple wig and neon jacket.

Alicia ran up to me, "Dupree went back to the cabin to get his fishing rod! He wants to fish right now!"

In the middle of a party?

"That's weird," I said, "But I guess it is Dupree."

"Shouldn't we check on him? It's raining!"

"No, you should stay and enjoy the party. I'll take care of it," I told her and saw her face lose its excitement.

Looks like I'm not the only one trying to get out of here.

Tony ran up to me the moment Alicia wandered off. "He's going to do it! He's going to ask her to dance!"

"Malik?" I asked, eyes scanning the dance floor for the cute 8-year-old in a button-down shirt and slacks.

There he was, walking slowly towards the girl. He'd spent extra time on his hair today, using Luke's hair gel. I looked around for Luke. Where was he? This was Malik's big moment.

Malik bypassed the sweet girl I thought he was going for. In fact, he bypassed all the young girls. I watched, my face turning from excitement to horror as he walked up to Stacey and tapped her on the shoulder.

Oh. My. God.

He was on his tip toes, his arm stretched up to reach her shoulder. She turned around and  looked down at the boy holding out a pink rose for her. He said something, and she giggled. Damn Luke's advice. It was working. She took the rose out of his hands and smelled it. Then she accepted his hand to dance.

Oh My God.

This is system failure.

So many conflicting emotions.

Suddenly, Tony grabbed my hand and pointed to the door.  "Alicia's left!"

Damn it. I tore my eyes away from Malik and the she-devil and towards the door of the dance hall.  "I told her not to!" 

So much was going on.  Where was Luke?

We were supposed to be a team.

"OK.  Stay here, Tony.  Promise me that none of our Apple Campers leave the hall, ok?  You monitor them.  Promise me?"

"Can I tell them you made me Captain?"


He puffed out his chest proudly and went to tell everyone.  I took a deep breath and stared at the rain outside.  So much for wearing a nice dress today.  I threw the doors open and ran out into the night.


I was immediately soaked. I ran up the wooden pathway, leaving behind the hall and all the other counselors.  I ran towards the lake by our cabin, where I last saw Dupree fishing.

Why would someone want to fish in these conditions?

Through the darkness and dreary rain, I saw a girl with an orange umbrella walking up the same path ahead of me.

"Tamara?" I asked, breathing heavily after running for so long.

5 minutes is a long time for me.

She spun round and her umbrella twirled with her.  Mascara was running down her cheeks.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You happened!" she blasted me, not hiding her tears from me anymore, "I really liked him.  I tried to play like I didn't care but I do.  And now, because of you, I've lost him."

Oh.  This again.

"You keep blaming me but I don't know what for."

"He defended you," she snapped, "He said I was cruel because of what I did to you!"

"Aside from being really mean to me every day, is there something specific that you did?" I asked her, trying to sound casual about her daily bullying.

"It's your fault.  You were so pathetic on the camping trip that we were just having a little fun." 

"The photo?" I guessed, "Must have been a really bad one, huh?" 

"I know you're enjoying this so much but just know that, even without me, Luke Dawson would never fall for an ugly girl like you."

I nodded and tried to get around her.  My priority was Dupree right now.  But she stuck her umbrella out and it hit me.

"Girl, cool down," I told her, wheezing in pain, "It sounds like you showed your true colors and Luke wasn't a fan."

Harsh, I know.  But the truth hurts.  

And so does my shoulder.

She lowered her weapon - sorry, umbrella. "No, you've poisoned him with your sob stories.  You made it seem like we were all bullying you and that you're a helpless innocent victim in all of this.  You know that alpha males like to protect betas.  Luke fell for it and, for whatever reason, thinks he needs to be your protector."

I was starting to feel worse by the minute.  Austin was right.  I should have listened to the whole story before I lashed out at Luke.  I thought he used Tamara and dumped her.  Now I had no idea whether he liked her or not - he ended his relationship because of me.  For me.


I looked past Tamara at the lake behind her.  I could see a little rowing boat out in the middle of the lake and the silhouettes of two children.  

A shrill, high-pitched scream filled the air and I saw one of them drop overboard.


"ALICIA!" I screamed, running forwards with all my might. 

A/N: Press the star to vote if you liked it!! The next chapter has one of my favorite scenes.

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