Chapter 1

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We were on the road again. As casual as can be. In a RV.... After the whole thing in Washington we moved down to DC. It's like they have houses everywhere, because last month we living in Utah (drug bust). That was an exciting time. Yeah, no. One word, ARGUING.

Now we're off to Quantico and I have to find Nikolai. On the bright side there's no one alive named Nikolai Trask so that's cool. The bad thing is I can't get any help from anyone. And I'm pretty positive Lani has mentioned this name before AND he or she has the same last name as her.

If only I could get that snippet from her, then I'd know where to start. Since I can't I'm just going to stare at my screen until I can find a lead.

"Princess, it's your turn to guess this time," Ryot called out from the passenger seat.

"What is it now," I grumbled.

It was Cat's idea to play this stupid guessing game. We all took a little paper, wrote whatever and we had to guess the answer, who said it, who am I or the missing piece to the sentence. We have thirty seconds to figure it out and if we don't there are consequences. Apparently we're only counting how many we get wrong. With each one is a different punishment.

"Alright," he said clearing his throat, making his way to the middle. "The sentence is, 'I hated blank since the first time I saw a kid eating it.' What is the blank and who wrote it. The clock is ticking."

Why do I always get the hard ones? I lucked out the first two times. Plus Iris has been waiting for me to mess up.

"Um... Uh-"

"Ten seconds."

"Cotton candy and J-"

"Times up and ohh so close. It was indeed cotton candy and the person was Iris. Next time, Princess. But that's one for you."

I marked down my point and took a paper out of the bowl. There was a couple left, one for Ryot and one for Aidan who was barely awake. Either I could choose him or Ryot and I didn't want none of them to have any more consequences.

I looked at the paper and looked at them. Who would know this? Aidan is smart, but Ryot knows how to put pieces together. Then again they both haven't been doing good. I wish I picked a different paper. It wasn't like it was hard but I'm sure they would both say whatever for the hell of it.

"Who wants to go," I finally asked.

Ryot moved in front of me, gesturing me to read the paper. I shrugged glancing down at it.

"If there are 6 apples and you take away 4, how many do you have?"

He thought about it for awhile. This would be his third point if he doesn't get this right. I'm starting to think he wants the points actually.

"Why not. 2." I shook my head. "Wow. Well Aidan gets a point since he fell asleep and the game is over. Let's discuss the consequences."

In the end I had 1, Ryot, Jess and Aidan had 3, Cat had 0 and Lani, Matt, Cole and Iris had 2. I was too focused on Nikolai to even hear what was said. I searched all the people with the last name Trask. That helped a little bit, but not much. Right about now, this is dumb.

I slammed my computer shut, going to the back room to breath. I needed air and being in this small RV is driving me crazy. There's no room for ten people. I don't get why we didn't just take a plane.

This Should Be Fun pt. IIWhere stories live. Discover now