Chapter 9

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"Because they kept asking when did this happen. Like seriously? I was bisexual when you bought me from the government," Iris said.

Jess added in some mhmms, while he was walking over by me and tapped my nose. "Oh look who's up. Your best friend, Aeron. How about you tell her all about you brief trip home."

I stared at him and he quickly left. Yeah I'll be plotting his demise later. Iris came kneeling in front of me. Her blonde hair was pulled into two side loops that made her look almost like Princess Leia.

"I'm sorry about your friend," she said honestly.

"What happened during your trip," I asked quietly trying to switch the topic.

After listening to her talk for what seemed like hours, I could understand why the guys were a little annoyed. Each side of the story was understandable, but they just need to work out their differences.

Ryot scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "Damn, Iris, you're going to talk the girl back to sleep."

Iris fought in his arms, squirming around until he locked her in the closet. He seriously put her in there and locked it. And for safe measures he put a chair under the handle.

"Ryot, open the door," she said calmly.

"You know how to open it."

"Ryot! Open the damn door for shits sake! You know I hate this!"

"Yeah I know staying in the closet was a weird time for you."

He laughed and sat down on the other couch. I felt bad for her, but if I helped her he'd retaliate. And this has happened before. When I helped her out of the attic once, he took my contacts and glasses. I had to walk around the house like Velma. That resulted in a two week long prank war.

So not getting involved with them two, I went to go grab a bowl. Jess was on the phone, but he was half asleep. I snapped in front of his face and he grumbled.

"No that wasn't towards you," he said quickly.

I went back to the couch and started to eat my cereal. Iris was banging on the door and whining inside.

"Ryot, I will piss on this jacket in here," she muttered.

He shook his head, flipping though the channels. They're both known to not back down from anything. So I could believe her when she said she'd do it.

"How can you sleep on the floor?"

It took me a minute to realize he was talking to me. "Oh um, I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter where I am when I'm that tired. Did you move me?"

He nodded. "Thought the couch was a better option than the floor. And I didn't want to move you from the work you did."

While I smiled, Iris gagged in disgust. Ryot shook his head at her and continued to flip through the channels. I finished my cereal and went to put it up. Jess was asleep on the table. I tapped his shoulder and he shrugged my hand off. Well he can't sleep here, he'll hurt his neck.

"Jess," I whispered. "Jess, you have to get up."

I pulled his arm up and he reluctantly got up to leave. When I went back to the living room Ryot was talking to someone at the door. I couldn't quite make out who it was, because it wasn't open all the way.

I tried peeking and the only parts I saw was the persons legs and hair. It was a guy and that's all I knew.

"Can you just let us in before someone sees us."

This Should Be Fun pt. IIWhere stories live. Discover now