Chapter 5

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It had to be a little after lunch when I came back down. Mom and Efa were gone and Ryot was still out. Jess was here eating pizza. I sat on the couch and he tossed me a small personal pizza box. Smart kid.

I was tempted to start up my search again, but I stopped. I'll try to take a break from it and see how long that lasts. And sitting here doing nothing is boring. The pizza was slowly putting me in a nice pizza coma. No matter how hard I tried to stay awake it was dragging me down. Then next thing I knew it was 11 o'clock. I probably would've slept longer if the front door hadn't of woke me up.


I glanced up and almost died. Right there under Ryot's arm was some other girl. They were trying to creep around, but failed.

I sat up looking at the two. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh this is Caitlyn," Ryot said smugly.

"Like Jenner?"

He clenched his jaw and her cheeks burned bright red from embarrassment or was that anger. Jess decided to pick the right time to come in. He took one glance at us and started to slowly back away.

"Jess," I called out. "Have you met Caitlyn? She's very pretty and I think you should see her."

He huffed and came back in using sign language.
He waved to her and signed to me don't involve me in this shit. This is between you two.

"Jess said have a nice time. You two take care, I think I'm going to stay with Lani for the night."

"She's at a party. Shit!," Jess said heading back to the back.

"Well isn't that convenient," I said getting up to go upstairs.

Ryot grabbed my hand stopping me, but quickly let go. "Don't you think it's a bit late?" I shook my head. "Well how about we come with you. You might need a designated driver or something."

I shook my head again. "I'm a big girl I know how to handle and control myself. You guys just relax. Netflix and chill if you want."

He rolled his eyes, pushing past me to head up. Jess shook his head at us. Out of all the times we fought this one was too far. So if he can bring a girl home, I can go to a party.

It only took me a couple of minutes to get ready. I had on gray jeans, black ankle wedged boots and a long sleeved burgundy crop top, with my hair hanging down. It took a minute to cover up the bruises but I managed to get it done. After that was done I let the boys know that I was out.

I knocked on Ryot door, opening up with my hand over my eyes. "I'm leaving now, so see you later."

Jess almost had a heartache when he saw me."You are one crazy dead child. Please don't bring anyone back. Ryot would kill the both of you and we don't need that at the moment."

I nodded and he gave me the address to the party. It was one of Lani's old gymnastics friends house. I recognized the name almost immediately. The thing was I just had to find her. She seems to always find friends who has a large house so this one will be a hard one. I came up to the house and first searched the kitchen. She wasn't there so wherever the music is, she is there. And I was right.

Nalani was there in the middle of the living room dancing her heart out in an all white attire. White turtleneck, white leggings and white fur boots. One word: bold. It was like she was begging for a stain.

Once she saw me, she ran over pulling me in a hug then punching my shoulder.

"I'm stoked your here, but I hate that pressures point thing. Just be happy I'm an understanding person and get you did it for a reason- speaking of reasons why are you here."

This Should Be Fun pt. IIWhere stories live. Discover now