Chapter 6

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"Niko, wake up," I whispered taping on his foot.

He squinted staring up at me. "It's 8 in the morning." He jumped out of bed so quick his head almost hit mine. "Oh crap. Look I'm sorry, but I really have to get going before I'm dead. Can we talk some other time?"

"Yeah sure. L-"

"Thanks," he said running out and into Lani. She fell back and he helped her up. "Sorry."

Well it was a good thing I put in a tracker before he left. I am not going through the the struggle of searching for him again. One time was good enough.

Thank you Matt!

He showed me how put a tracker in without someone knowing and how someone could be tracking me. I'm still not sure how he learned to be so good with tech, but I'm not questioning it. I think Nalani knows though.

"Who was that," Lani said coming in, still rubbing her butt.

I looked at her confused. She was the one who said she knew him last night. Actually she was so excited when she saw him.


I'll just go with the clueless act. How could she not know? Like I put two and two together when I realized he was Nikolai and that he was her family.

"Oh, have we met him before?"

I nodded, sitting down on my bed. "Yeah. But let's not start on that. Why are you here?"

Now she looked confused. "You texted me. Remember?"

I shook my head, looking down at my phone. The damn bastard had me doing stuff with everyone all day. I'll give him that one, that was clever.

"Sorry, must've been half awake. I'll be ready in ten."

She nodded heading out. I changed into some jeans and a sweatshirt. I rushed downstairs into the kitchen grabbing a donut and bottled milk. I was a foot out the door when I had to go back up to grab my phone.

When I went back down Jess and Ryot was just now coming in from the back. "Where are you going," they both said.

"Out." With that I left and jumped in the car. "Please go, before they come."

She stepped on it and we headed to the mall. Apparently I texted her that we going Christmas shopping. Then I told my Manni I was going to help her bake cookies for the homeless. I told Efa I'd take her ice skating. And I asked my mom if she wanted to go out to eat, which she happily accepted.

So thanks a lot Niko. Now I can't decline all this. And I won't have time to meet up with Niko. But at least I have him tracked.

"So how did things go with-"

"Shit. Complete and utter shit. "Because I shouldn't have gone out." Or something like that. Tell me Lani how do you put up with boys like that? It's exhausting."

She laughed lowly. "Well, Ryot, is a different case. Jess told me he's different with you. Like more protective. Why, is far from my understanding."

I don't get why. I could have his butt on the ground in a heartbeat. Why would he be protective? If it's because of what happened a few months ago, that's stupid. I can handle myself, that day with Natalie, just caught me off guard.

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