Suicidal Lucy

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"What? That's all he said?" Lucy repeated after the blue cat. She popped her bag on the ground.

"That's all," Happy said with enthusiasm.

"Natsu, may be a mean, hateful, evil, little man but he's also very smart," Erza stated.

Lucy looked down.

"I'll go get Gray," Happy said then flew off.

Lucy sighed then picked up her bag from the ground. She walked away in the direction Natsu went.

"Lucy! Where are you going?" Erza asked yelling.

Lucy flinched. The great Titania yelled at her.

"I-I'm going to go get Natsu," Lucy said in fear.

Erza glared, "Natsu can take care of himself. We're leaving, Lucy."

Lucy gasped, "but he's our friend!"

Erza snorted, "some friend. You know he once beat Levy. Not at a game. He actually BEAT her! Natsu is also extremely cunning and would never batt an eyelash to throw someone away to save himself."

Lucy thought about all of this then felt hesitant.

"Let's go," Erza demanded.

Lucy nodded her head, "okay."


"Lol! I knew you were up to no good!" Natsu yelled. He stood in a black-ish castle. There was this short old man.

"I'll burn you!" Natsu screamed in sudden rage.

He threw himself in the direction of the old man, his fist in aim. The old man seemed unfazed.

Natsu's first swing went right through the old man. So, he threw more. They all went right through the old man.

The old man sneered at him, "demons can't hurt me."

Natsu gasped wide eyed, "I'm no demon!"

The old man smiled this creepy grin in made Natsu angrier, "you will be."

Then the old man disappeared.

"Damn it!" Natsu screamed, "BASTARD!"

A giant vein popped out of Natsu's forehead.

Unfortunately Natsu had worse things to worry about.

Like how will he save this Island?


Lucy, and Erza followed the flying blue cat through the paths. The path seemed to go on forever.

But while they were all looking for Gray Lucy couldn't help but worry for Natsu.

Will he be alright? She wondered to herself. Erza turned her back from Lucy for a split second.

When the Titania looked for help with the directions, Lucy was gone.

Lucy's P.O.V

My face went white once I realized I was running to Natsu. Natsu is really rude why am I worrying about him?

Dust flew from behind me and my breathes were all getting heavier. Maybe my boobs make it hard to run?

My throat burned from taking to many deep breathes. The air stung my throat. But if I slow down Erza could catch me!

My shoulders shook up at the thought of that.

"Gotta keep, runni-" but just as soon as I said that I ran into something.

"Ow," I mumble while being on the ground sitting on my butt.

Pink hair?

It's Natsu!

"Natsu! Boy am I glad I found you!" I said getting up slowly.

Natsu tsked and then I fell back down again. He pushed me! Jerk!

He had never fallen when we collided but I did! How does that work?

"Hey!" I yelled.

I looked up at him. There were shadows under his eyes and a glare on his face. Instead of a smile that could exist there, a grit of anger placed on his lips.

"Watch it!" He grunted then he moved forward causing me too flinch, "and what the hell are you doing here? Leave already!"

I flinched when he moved toward me.

God, this can't be happening! "I-If I don't?" I tested regretfully. A look of shock and madness appeared on his face.

"You'll die!" He spit out then turned around and started to walk away.

I jumped to my feet, "what about you, huh?"

He stopped. I can't tell if he's going to push me down, kill me, murder me, call Erza on me, or leave me.

"Why does it matter?" He asked. His voice was still stiff and steel but under it was total and complete shock.

"See this," I held up my hand with my Fairy Tail insignia," this represents my family. A family looks out for one another. No matter what a family wouldn't leave someone alone. That's why."

I may be overly exaggerating but I hope Fairy Tail is like that.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds.

His eyes were covered by the black shadows from his pink hair.

"A family? You think Fairy Tail is a family? Your wrong. Everyone's there because they have no other place. We don't care for one another. Take Elfman, Lisangia, and Mira for an example, they were kicked from their village and found Fairy Tail. Did they choose to get kicked from there? No. Cana Albarona, her father is there that's literally the only reason she's there. Levy, Laxus, Erza, even me!

Fairy Tail is NOT a family. The only family I have is Igneel," Natsu said coldly.

My throat went dry with fear.

I took a deep breathe and regretted what I said next but someone had to say it.

"And guess what. Igneel left you alone to unlike a real family." I said.

Natsu's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now