Natsu and Lucy

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"Hey wake up!" Natsu growled bitterly shoving Lucy away from him roughly.

She blinked before rubbing her eyes. As she yawned she asked, "are we saved yet? How's your motion sickness?"

Natsu scoffed, "don't say it out loud. Don't touch me either."

Lucy's face turned bright red when she remembered that last night she snuggled Natsu's leg!

"I-I I'm sorry!" Lucy yelled and stood up to bow.

Natsu blinked in surprise but quickly redeemed himself and waved her off, "whatever just don't do that again. It's gross being touched by girls."

Lucy looked up with a surprised look and then turned red again, "o-okay."

Natsu ignored her and then suddenly doved his head over the boat but leaving his body still on the boat.

"Motion sickness," Lucy concluded with her observation. She smiled still red in the cheeks.

Natsu clenched his fist.

Being with this happy-go-lucky chick makes him even more nurvous and irritated in a strange way.

"Just shut up, until help..." he threw up, "comes!" He spit out.

Lucy looked down with a sad aura. She remembered that this guy is kinda hateful.

"When we get back in probably going to take a nice hot shower in my apartment," Lucy said smiling at the sky.

"And..." Natsu said.

Lucy smiled big at him, "then I'll-"

"And what makes you think I care? I told you to shut up," Natsu said turning dark.

Lucy looked down.

Silence filled the boat. Lucy did not dare say a word. The only sound was the echoing splashes of the waves that surround the small wooden boat.

Natsu was acting very strange though. It wasn't until these strange growls were heard by Lucy.

Lucy gasped, "did you hear that?!"

Natsu turned red then green, "n-no~" he dunked his head over the boat again to throw up.

Lucy then heard it again, "there it is again," she yelled.

Natsu didn't reply.

** hours later

The smell of salt gave Lucy a headache and she felt that Natsu was going to kill her soon.

"This is all your fault! Why'd I have to save your a$$?! Your new to the guild anyways, it's not like anyone would miss you!" Natsu growled and replied randomly to fill the silence.

Lucy remained quiet and didn't listen to him.

"You worthless-"

"Please stop." Lucy said quietly.

Natsu ignored her and threw her a few more insults until he was cooled down.

* hours later

"Do you... see that?" Lucy's voice was scratchy and dry from dehydration. Although it's Natsu who should be in better shape saying that dehydration is nothing.

She squinted her eyes watching in the distance. The sun was just setting.

The two had gotten used to the smell and Lucy got used to hearing Natsu puke. She also memorized the smell of his puke.

In the distance she swore there was something the shape of a ship!

"Look!" Lucy yelled still croaking her words.

Natsu's expression was a glare and he didn't show much emotion.

Then he blinked, "it's them."

Lucy's eyes turned into stars, "they've returned for us! I knew it!"

She jumped up, slightly tipping the boat, and leaned away from the boat with excitement.

Natsu rolled his eyes, "god your like a kid getting it's candy! Grown up!" He grabbed a cloth of Lucy's shirt from behind and yanked her away from the edge.

"Hey!" Lucy yelped in surprise but obeyed like a rag doll.

Natsu turned stern, "it'll be awhile until they get here. So be patient."

Lucy nodded, then she turned from excited to concerned.

Natsu glared at her.

She took his glaring as a 'wut now?'

"What's going to happen when we get back?" Lucy murmured quietly. She hid the longing expression on her face.

Natsu rolled his eyes, "don't worry. I'll make sure this never happens again."

Lucy nodded then smiled at him, "it wouldn't be so bad even if this happens again."

*** time skip ***

"Lucy!" Erza, Gray, and the happy guild mates said in unison at seeing their Celestial Mage walk into the guild.

"Long time no see," she said smiling and waving.

"So you never got paid?" Moscow, Bisca, and Erza were all talking. Alzak was talking with Shadow Gear.

"Pretty much," Gray stated.

"The island ended up exploding, so we got off, and of course saved the villagers," Erza said.

Lucy gulped looking around the room, by complete accident her eyes landed on Lisanna.

"Looking for Natsu?" She asked sweetly.

Lucy was startled then said, "no. I was looking for Makarov."

"Oh? Master?" Lisanna asked, "he's in his office, better not see him though. He's busy."

Lucy sighed and nodded before thanking the white haired girl.

Where is Natsu? She thought to herself.

She walked around the upstairs of the guild, tiptoing. There weren't any creeks either because for some reason they keep rebuilding the guild.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Natsu growled. It was so sudden that Lucy gasped as she fell to her butt.

She closed one eye as she looked up to him, "Geez, thanks!"

He rolled his eyes, "no problem I'd do it again in a heart beat. Now. What are you doing?!"

Lucy flinched at his coldness then brightened up, "I wanted to see you!"

Natsu stared with a glare and his cheeks turned a light pink tint.

"W-wah?!" He finally shouted blushing and he grit his teeth.

Natsu's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now