-chapter 2-

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-Chapter 2-

-Elena's P.O.V-

I walked into the Grill, looking for Adrian. I was guessing she was here, since she wasn't at home. I saw her sitting with Damon at the bar, taking shot after shot.I could hear her slurring her words to Damon. She was already drunk enough, I need to take her HOME. "Adrian Gilbert!" I yelled. By the way her head was moving back and forth I was guessing that she was trying to find the person who screamed her name. But obviously she was too drunk to see. I walked over to her and Damon, and she suddenly just passed out.

"What the hell Damon? Why did you get her drunk?" I yelled. I was clearly pissed and Damon could see that but didn't care. A smirk appeared on his face," She looked down. I mean she was spilling her guts to me. How she left because she needed to be alone. SO she could drink everything away and have no one there to care. Because if she was here she would have her sister screaming and being all in her business the whole time. I mean clearly. She gets home, gets drunk. Here's a ranting sister." He ended it with a small chuckle. Not and amusing one, a scary one. "Can you just help me, ass?"

"Why of course, your highness. Anything." He picked Adrian up and we walked to... his car. "Oh, no Damon. My car." I said as he ignored me and put her in his back seat. "Well it's only smart if I have her in my car. I mean I still got to help you bring her in the house. Since Saint Stefan. Clearly isn't here." He smirked a used his vampire speed to get to the driver's seat.

-Damon's P.O.V-

As I started the car up I watched Elena get into her car, start it up, and back out. I took a look into the rear view mirror to see Adrian sleeping soundly. All night I couldn't stop staring at her eyes as she talked. Her eyes were so different from Elena's, and even jeremy's. Not only the color. But what was behind it. She clearly felt guilty from the death of her parent's and was still holding onto it to this day. Elena and Jeremy learned that they could let go. But Adrian, she felt like it was her fault, like she could of done something different. This girl was lonely and sad. But she kept a wall up. No one could see past it. Until she was drunk.

I finally woke up from my thoughts and quickly pulled out so Elena wouldn't freak out. I pulled up to see Elena and Stefan standing there. I stepped out and picked up Adrian bridal style out of the car. Stefan quickly grabbed Adrian out of my arms. "What? Don't trust me?" I smirked. "Damon just go home, you've done enough." Stefan yelled. "Fine, bye Elena." I winked then got back into my car and drove off. Before I went home I saw a girl at the park bench so I stopped the car and got out. I walked up to her. She had light brown hair and hazel eyes. "Why is such a pretty lady out this late?" She looked at me then looked away. Like she had her focus to something else. I tore my gaze from her pulsing vein to see what she was looking at. All there was, was a plastic bag, blowing in the wind. I got closer to her and grabbed her chin lightly so she was looking at me. Her eyes were blood shot and she smelled of alcohol. She was high and drunk. Probably just got back from a party. Hmm, it's all I can get right now. So, I compelled her. "Don't scream." and tore her neck open tasting the blood. I haven't drank human blood in so long. Well in a bag but not fresh. I missed it. It made me feel like the way I was before.

After Rose had died in my arms I was devastated. I couldn't tell anyone that though I mean. I'm Damon Salvatore, I don't give a shit about anyone. Rose was the only person I had gotten close to since Kathrine. She made me forget about Elena. And today, today made me forget about ALL of that. Adrian made me feel different. She made me want to be the man from 1864. "Stop, you don't know what you're talking about Damon. Just turn it off!" I screamed at myself and gorged myself back in this chicks blood. I quickly buried the body and went home. I parked the car and turned into a crow and flew back to the Gilbert's residence.

-Elena's P.O.V-

I opened the door for Stefan so he could walk Adrian through. Aunt Jenna saw and asked,"Is she okay?"

I awnsered with the quickest thing I could come up with. "Yeah, she passed out at Care's house. Caroline called and asked if we could pick her up. So. We did and she refused to wake up so Stefan carried her." she nodded.

"Okay." And she plopped down on the couch. Stefan began to walk up the stairs to Adrian's room. As we walked past Jeremy's room he said," First day home and she's already past out drunk. What a fucking loser."

I lost it," Jeremy Gilbert! That is your damn sister you are talking about! Not a damn person off the streets or a damn friend you are mad at. This was you at the beginning. You've learned to let go, to live your life. She hasn't. She felt the most guilty, the most responsible. So, you need to shut the fuck up. And forgive her. Because she's trying to be here for us now. She feels bad for not being here. For not calling. She loves us more then anything. You need to grow up and stop your bad boy attitude. Cause it's getting pretty damn ANNOYING!" He looked at me with a pained face, it didn't faze me. Not one bit. I walked put of his room and slammed his door. I walked into Adrian's room to find Stefan getting her bed made. She must of thrown up, because she was in the bathroom, I could hear her throwing up.

I walked to the other side of Adrian's bed. TO help Stefan. Adrian walked out. She looked like shit. "Can someone get me some Advil, please?"

Jeremy soon came through the door with some advil and water and handed it to Adrian. She looked at him shocked," Thanks." She inched a smile. "Anything for you. I'm sorry about earlier. I love you sis." She embraced him into a big hug. We finally got Adrian back to sleep in her bed and walked out. Stefan and I went to bed in my room and Jerwmy went to his.

-Morning; Adrian's P.O.V-

I woke up to sun light hitting my face. I cringed at the impact it had on my eyes. I hadn't tooken my contacts off last night so I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I took my contacts off and put them in their casing. I put my glasses on and looked at me in the mirror. I looked scary. My hair was everywhere, sticking to my face in random places. I got a brush and brushed my hair into a pony tail. I had my black tank up on with black boxers. I walked downstairs to find it was past noon and everyone was gone. It was Monday so I assumed that Jer and Elena are at school and so was Jenna. I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided on some Eggo waffles, the strawberry kind. Mm, my favorite. I went a lounged on the couch as I ate and turned on reruns of "How I Met Your Mother". This show was absolutely hilarious. I jumped to the sound of someone knocking at my door. I walked to the dorr and opened it to revel Damon," Hello, Mr. Salvatore."

He smirked," Adrian."

"About last night..." I started but he cut me off. "It's completely fine. I won't tell a single soul. My lips are sealed."

I smiled. I liked Damon. He was cool. Calm. "Would you like to come in, Damon?"

"I would love to."

We sat on my couch for a little bit and just talked. "You wear glasses?" He asked. Shit I forgot about my glasses.

"Um, yeah. I usually don't let people see. Unless it's my family, or Care or Ty."

"Tyler Lockwood?" He asked with his eyebrow lifting up. "Yes. Tyler Lockwood. He's one of my best friends. Besides From Caroline."

"Weird. I didn't imagine you being best friends with them. I figured you hung out with Elena and Bonnie."

"Well. I do. But it was ALWAYS Caroline, Tyler, and I. We'd be together running around and everything. I always could be myself around them. Like I can be with you. Lke at this moment." I looked doen and blushed at my sudden burst of the truth. It was true. I felt like being open like I am with Ty and Care, with him. He mad me feel calm, safe. Though it seemed no one liked him.

I broke out of my train of thought when he spoke. "Want to go do something?"

I smiled and looked at him again," Sure, let me get ready." I stood up and ran to my room. I took a quick shower and towel dried my hair. I put on some short jean shorts, and a red tank top on. And some heels on. I put some eye liner and mascara on. And walked downstairs. Damon was sitting on the couch still patiently waiting. "Let's go." Damon walked to the door and opened it for me. "Why Thank you Mr. Salvatore."

"You're welcome, Mrs. Gilbert."

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now