-Chapter 6-

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Here's chapter 6. Let's see what happens............


-Chapter 6-
As this chick that looked exactly like my sister introduce herself, I couldn't take my eyes off of the stake in Damon's stomach. It actually pissed me off. I just find out about these vampire's being in Mystic Falls, and Damon and I finally got more intimate, and this bitch literally gonna come and just FUCKING ruin it.
"Okay, 'Katherine' you probably have a lot of beef with these two but, you really have tobe a pain to have a grudge over two people for.." Then again I didn't know what happened between these 3. "You know what can you just leave so I can figure this out, we'll try this out another night." The 3 vampires looked at me funny. "What? I got dirt all over me, make up streaming down my face and I just figured out y'all are vampires, I don't even have the whole back story. So Katherine, could you be a dear and leave so I can get this straightened out." Katherine began to talk but I shushed her, I think that made her angry because the next thing I know I'm thrown against the wall, and yes it hurt. "Gah, bitch can you calm down. Jeesh, I'm human. Obviously, & I know you don't want to kill me, so don't throw me around like.." I stood up and grabbed the stake that was next to and put it in my butt pocket without her noticing, and gotin her face ," a fucking rag doll." Then I stabbed her REALLY close to what I presume was her heart cause she started to cough and fell. "Told you I did research."
I walked up to Damon and ripped the stake outta his stomach. "Y'all need to lock her up and or put vervain in her system.." He looked at me funny," How do you know about vervain?"
"Damon I told you I did my research. In the meantime I'm taking my sister home." I shook Elena awake. "Hmm, What happened?"
"We had an encounter with your bitch look a like, now we're going home. Let's go." She was too out of it to even argue," Okay."
That night I took Elena home and put her in bed. She was out within' seconds. After that I broke down. I stayed calm that whole time when I really wanted to scream. She looked like Elena and I had no idea why. Or what she was in Damon's and Stefan's lives. Elena obviously knew who she was. The only thing I knew was that thy were vampires and there was some bitch vampire that looked like my sister. I wanted to see if I could find anyhting ont he internet but I was to tired and weary so I got into the shower real quick, and turned it full blasted heat. It felt good on my cold skin, it relaxed my sore muscles. Because she just HAD to throw me against a damn wall. After my long and hot shower, I sat there in my towel for I don't know how long. It felt like hours. But as soon as I felt that chill, I knew who was here. "Adrian."
I didn't look back,"Damon, it's late what are you doing here?" I looked behind me. He still had his bloody shirt on with the hole. Anddd I swear he looked as if he just got done crying. "I wanted to see if you were okay. I mean you were so stronge, then you just left before I could say anyhting about who you just saw."
"It's because I don't want to hear it tonight Damon, I'm sore and tired. And frankly confused but I don't want to hear it tonight. I want to lay in my bed while you hold me and fall asleep but I need to change so go in the bathroom real quick. I pushed im into the bathroom and got dressed:
I knocked on the doorindicating I was done. I laid in bed and awaited for him. I heard the door open. I looked up to see a disappointed Damon. "What?"
He smirked. "That's all the skin I get?"
"Oh shut up and get in bed." Damon stripped off his shoes, socks, pants, and then shirt showing off his incredible body structure. "Mmm, at least I get to see skin." He cocked his head at me. "Jeesh, you sound like a perverted man."
"No, Damon I sound like you." I kinda pouted as I burst out laughing because he just realized he compared himself to an old man. A pervrted one at that. He laid down next to me anddrappedhis arm around my waist.
"Goodnight Damon."
"Goodnight Adrian." With that he kissed my head and I fell into a deep slumber.


Awwe :) Hope you liked it.

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now