-Chapter 16-

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Song is everytime we touch by Cascade!

Picture is of Adrian!


-Chapter 16-

(Adrian's POV)

My body raked with pain as I played the scene that happened about a day ago. I had left the grill, unable to comprehend just went down. I couldn't even talk to anyone. I haven't answered my phone in over 12 hours. I turned it off so I wasn't interuppted by text messages either. Words hurt to much right now and getting pity by my loved ones would just make me feel more like shit then I already did. He lied to me. HIs feelings were fake. They felt so real to me. He made me fall in love with him so he could shack up with a person just like Katherine. Jean was just as horrid and ugly on the inside as Katherine. Maybe he deserved her. He deserves the misery. I'd get over this, because he made my pain of my parents death go away faster then I thought I'd be able to cope. It didn't hurt as much as it did. Maybe that's why I'm crying. He was my lifeline. Maybe I've recovered. Maybe I could just move on.

(Elena's POV)

"Have you been able to talk to her?" Stefan asked me as I walked through the boarding house door. Greeting him with a kiss.

"No, she won't call or text me back. I honestly don't even know where she is. I'm worried she's gone again Stefan. I don't want her gone." I clung to him as the relization of her just leaving again could be what she hd decided to do because this town just brought her pain and misery.

He stroked my head, as I lay my head on his chest. He looked off into the distance, the sun hitting his eyes, making his green eyes shine as he thought.

"Maybe we should of chased her last night and told her that he was compelled." I shook my head.

"Yeah maybe it was what we should of done, so she wouldn't leave but it also meant she would of gone out and did something about it. She would of searched for Jean and Damon and try to kill Jean. A suicide mission."

"We'll just have to save Damon. For Adrian because I don't want her to suffer another loss." I loved how Stefan cared about my family. I loved the way he wanted to save my sister from herself.

Caroline suddenly barged in. "Can someone explain the blonde bitch that Damon has his arm hitched up on!' She didn't look to happy. Considering Adrian had always been Caroline's best friend.

"Caroline, it's not Damon." I said slowly.

"Elena, why are you sticking up for him. Adrian's your sister!" She ran at me full speed. Caroline had always been fast with her actions but before she could reach me, Stefan tackled her.

"Caroline, it's not Damon. The bitch he's touching is Klaus' sister, Jean. She compelled Damon. Remember what Elijah said about originals?"

She was shocked by the impact of Stefan ramming into her but answered quietly, "They can compel other vampires." Then she glared again, "Did you happen to share this information with Adrian at all? So she is withering in pain." Stefan closed his eyes, stood up off of Caroline and said a simple 'no'. Which recieved him a slap.

"Why are you torturing her? Were you planning on telling her?" Stefan rubbed the spot where she had slapped him.

"Caroline, you know better then anyone, if we tell Adrian that Damon was compelled. She will go on a suicide mission trying to kill Jean. That won't work in the end when Adrian comes out dead."

I flinched at the thought of my sister being dead, I already had to almost go through that. That made me remember with Damon being compelled and Adrian disappearing we had to postpone Jenna's funeral. I bet we could only save Damon with Adrian's help though. She was a witch. Not the most powerful but she gives Bonnie even more power. The power she needs to kill and original.

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora