-Chapter 14-

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-Chapter 14-

I woke up to silky sheets and a down filled comforter wrapped nicely around me.I felt warm and cozy until I tried to move and I felt a sharp pang in my back. I let out a loud yelp. Instantly I was intruded with two arms around me. Then I noticed they belonged to the infamous Damon Salvatore, My boyfriend.

He was the first one to speak," Are you okay? I'm so glad you're awake!" It was all rushed but I understood it fine. I've never seen him so happy. It was like I left and this was the first time he had seen me in forever. On my part that's what it felt like. i was happy I was wrapped up in his arms. Then I began to think of what happened. What did happen?

"What happened, Damon? All I remember is Bonnie and I doing this spell and then blackness."

"Klaus' witch stabbed you in the back. She was wounded by Jenna not killed like everyone thought.. Why didn't you tell me you were a witch?"

I didn't know what to say. I was already sad at the mention of Jenna's name but seeing his face like that made me more upset because he told me everything. I mean I told him everything. This secret was different. I didn't understand it. It had been SO different. I didn't even know how to tell people because I made myself forget. How does one do that? Just don't ever think about it. It was new to me as it was to everyone else.. So I didn't know how to explain it to Damon. I discovered me being a witch AFTER Klaus left. If I figured out before I met Klaus, I could of seen past him, past is silly mistake of befriending me.. Of using me to sacriface my sister. All of this was my fault. Jenna being dead. Elena, oh my gosh Elena!

"Where's Elena? Is she alright? Please Damon tell me..." He cut off my ranting.

"Love,she is fine. But I have a bit more bad news.."

"What Damon?"

"You're uncle John, had to give his soul to Elena in order for her to stay alive. I'm so sorry that you had to lose so many people in such a short time." Why? Why did this have to happen? I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to drink away the pain. I wanted to leave and never come back to this forsaken town. But most of all, I wanted to stay. To be with Damon. Watch over the only family I have. I was the adult now. I would be here for them forever.

"Is Klaus Dead?"

"Yes ma'am." His eyes shone bright. His piercing blue eyes burning into my brown ones.

"And you are positive?"

"Most positive."

"Good, you know why?"

He looked down at me and smiled, "Why, my love?" Ooo, how I love it when he called me love. Made me feel special.

"Because I just want to sit here and cuddle."

"Sounds good to me."

Then there was someone screaming our name. I assumed it was Stefan because it was a man.

"Damon, Adrian. Come here please."

We walked downstairs to see what was going on.

"What brother? Why must you interupt us when she just wakes up?"

"How long was I out anyways?"

"Couple days."

"How'd I pee?"

"I compelled you so you didn't have to until I said so."

"Really? Awesome!" For some reason i started to fist pump until I felt the pang again.

"Ow! I'm just not gonna do that until I'm healed. So better question, Stefan, what do you want?"

"A girl here claims she knows you."


"Her." We walked to the front enterance to see.

"Jean. Jean blake! Oh my gosh its been forever." I ran to her and gave her a big hug. I met Jean when I left. She had been a good friend of mine until she had to start modeling.

"How did you find me?"

"I looked you up silly. Remember you told me about this small town." She giggled. She was a gorgeous girl. I absolutely envied her. Her golden locks and bright blue eyes. She was absoluely gorgeous.

"Adrian, you're still as gorgeous as ever."

"Me!! Look at you! You've always been so beautiful." The boys were even gawking at her.

"Want something to drink?"

She smiled," Like old times?"

Then I replied, "Like old times." It was nice to have a older girl around. Someone who didn't have school. Her and I sat there and drank some of Damon's liquor (since I had total access to it).

Stefan was sitting with Damon on the other couch, then announced, "Adrian, I'm going to your house to see how Elena's doing."

"Okay, tell her to call me or something and tell her how I'm doing sweet heart."

"Will do."

After Stefan left it was just Damon, Jean, and I.

"I'll be right back. Damon, make Jean feel at home.

-Damon's POV-

After Adrian left, Jean gave me the sexiest look and said, "So, what's a sexy guy like you doing with a wreak like Adrian?"

What the fuck. Bitch say what? I smirked at her and said, "You're one of those types of girls."

"What type a girl is that?"

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about,"

"Well, I'm anything you want baby." She then stood up and sat in  my lap. "Is this what you want?" I guess she was used to guys wanting her.

"No, what I want is for you to get off of me." I dropped her. "And all I want is the girl that you claim to be friends with. The one in the bathroom, you know Adrian?"

"She can't give you want I can."

"She's already given me the world." She got all puffy after this rejection.

"We'll meet again, Damon." Then she left out of no where. I heard Adrian's light steps coming down the stairs.

"Damon we have a problem."


"She's Klaus' sister."


Bum bum buuuuuuum :D

Shit just went down.

& Yes Klaus is dead in my story. COMMMMMENT :D VOTE!!!!!!

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now