-Chapter 12-

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Sorry for the LOOOOONG wait D:


-Chapter 12-

I woke up snuggled next to Damon. It felt so good with the warm sun hitting my back. I looked up at him to see him awake, and staring at me.

"Stop staring." I said frowning at him.

"I'm not staring, I'm gazing."

"That's Creepy." I said putting the pillow over my face.

"it's romantic." He said taking the pillow away from me and winking at me..

I took the pillow back, and wacked him in the face. After, I dropped the pillow and ran for the bathroom. To bad I wasn't fast enough..

"Gottchu." He said picking me up and swirling me in a circle. He then started to kiss me, Leading me to push it deeper. As soon as he loosened his grip, I ran for the bath room and locked the door.

"Really, Adrian?"

"No for fake, Damon."

"What are yoooou doing?" Damon said, tapping on the door as I undressed, getting ready for this epic hotel shower.

"I'm taking a shower."

"Well, maybe I wanted to take one..."

"There's another shower Damon.."


"Go use it."

"But I want to use the one you're using."

"Stop whining and go take a shower."

"Fine." You could hear his purposly, loud stomps as he walked to the other bathroom.

I smile as I turn the hot water on to full blast and slipping in. I moan as the hot water touched my bare skin.

I wash my face and let the hot water pour down my sensitive face, I flinch at the impact of the hot water but get used to it spraying my face. I wash my hair and my body then turn the knob to off. I slip out of the shower and into the warm and cozy hotel towel then I wrap the robe around me so Damon didn't get to much to look at.

I smiled sheeplishy as I walked in to the room to get a glimpse of Damon's white butt.

"Oh, Damon put it away." He turned around and smirked,

"If you'd like to see more.. All you have to do is ask my love."

I smiled at the love part then began to think. I really want Damon, all of him. I think that tonight would be great. I know it's really close to the time mine and Matt's drunken encounter happened but, Damon is the one.. I know that he doesn't show his love like Stefan does for my little sister.. But, I think he's trying, I mean last night was the greatest night of my life.. I've had bad times, I've have crazy times, I've even had good times, but that was absolutely the greatest day of my life!

Damon was just looking at me as I thought of tonight and how I would give him all the love he could ever recieve. I smiled at him as I took his head into my hands and kissed him tenderly on his pink, plush lips. He smelled and tasted clean.

"What are we doing today?" I said as I pulled away slowly and walking to my stuff to pick some clothes out for today.

"I was thinking about going for breakfast then the beach?"

"Damon you're not supposed to eat then swim," I said in a know-it-all voice.

"I'm a vampire I don't give a shit." He smirk. Then added, "And that's a myth."

"Really? Damn." I smiled and then ran out the room to the bathroom to slip in to my bikini, then shorts and tank top on. -The red and black one of the link on chapter 11-  I walked out smiling at Damon.

"Sexy." He smiled.

He then walked to the other room to change into his trunks, he came out matching me with a black wifebeater on though,

I smiled," You really just had to copy me, huh?"

"Sure did."

Damon and I slipped into flip flops and stole a towel from the hotel rack, then went downstairs to Damons car.

As we neared the car, Damon was suddenly gone. But two seconds later I realized he had gone to open the car door for me. Awe, how cute.

I walked casually towards him with a big ol' grin, "Why thank you, Mr. Salvatore."

"My pleasure Mrs. Gilbert."

Our ride to the beach was nice. We just talked. That's why I love Damon so much. He can just talk to me. We were gone of all worry yesterday, and I hope today will be the same. I smiled at the thought of a good day with just Damon again.

Damon's POV

Adrian looked so beautiful today. I mean she looked fantastic everyday but today she was glowing. My phone began to ring. I growled. This better not fuck up anything.

"helllllo." I said in a sing songy voice.

"Damon, you need to come home." Fuuuuuuck.

"And why do I need to do such a thing." I never realized how high pitched Elena's voice was.

"Klaus wants to do the sacriface. Tonight."

I went completely silent. Adrian didn't even know about Klaus nor did she know about the sacriface her sister was supposed to be invovled in.

"We got Elijah's help.. But he has Jenna."

"What? Why?"

"Katherine didn't participate in being that vampire that was supposed to be sacriface.. "

"I thought he wanted Caroline?" Adrian was looking at me weird now.

"Stefan broke her and Tyler out."

"Of course Saint Stefan would.. I'll be there in a couple of hours."

"Damon, hurry."

"I promise I will Elena." I used to love Elena but her sister clouded eveything I've ever felt for her.

I looked at Adrian. "I'm going to tell you something but you can't hate me for not telling you."

"Okay," She sounded scared.

"A deranged hybrid wants to sacriface your sister tonight so his werewolf gene will become dominant. He has also trapped Jenna.. and turned her.. She will be sacrifaced to but they have help from the Hybrid, Klaus' brother who can kill him.. well Bonnie can. They need us now.."

"THEN FUCKING DRIVE DAMON, MY SISTER AND AUNT NEED ME!" Tears began to pour down her face as I drove back towards Mystic Falls, Virginia.


I know.. Short but I get to see my best friend today and I need to get ready RIGHT NOW or I'm gonna be late. I hope you guys liked it.

Not only am I badass. I'm also a Gilbert. -A Damon Salvatore Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now