Arrangements of the sleeping kind (or one massive filler)

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So, hello people of this universe. I'm updating here before Fanfiction. It's been 17 days since I updated, so it hasn't been that long a wait. This chapter isn't very good but hopefully it's good enough. It's just a filler but next chapter their will be progress of story line. Applause please and thank you.

Thalia POV

"Okay, introductions out of the-" I start but am interrupted.

"Who are they?" a sleepy voice calls out from behind me. Hazel. She's supposed to be asleep, crap. Why?

"Haze, come on. It's the middle of the night." Nico says, taking her hand and trying to lead her away but she shakes him off and pouts, "I don't want too."

Percy sighs, "Come here, Hazel." she runs into his arms and he lifts her up, "They are some people who Ethan cornered in an alley."

"Should you tell her that?" Annabeth asks but Percy ignores her, "And we couldn't have him getting taken to prison so I rescued them or, well, I talked some sense into Ethan. Luke will find him some jeans and Reyna can deal with the rest of them."

Annabeth is frozen, it's probably a combination of the mention of Luke, the fact that Percy just told a little girl about being attacked in dark alleys and the fact that we think it's okay to mug someone for new jeans. The whole Luke thing came as a shock to me too. I hadn't seen him for years then the Titans turned up,  suddenly Luke was back and leading a group of people just like us. A whole community of homeless children with a family. We've been there once, the day when we realised Leo was sick and then again when Percy came down with the flu, Hazel couldn't hold it in anymore, Jason wouldn't get up and Nico ran away.  That was a bad day alright. They gave us food and a mattress and Nico's jacket.

I'm sure you're wondering who Reyna is, right? She was the leader of a group called Jupiter, Jason stayed with them for a while before we found Percy, I stayed with the Hunters, anyway she was until Luke came along and they melded together. Becoming one big group instead of two smaller ones.

"Did you just tell a little girl about being cornered in a dark alley?" Piper, the stupid girl, shrieks.

Hazel glares at her, "I'll have you know that I've been cornered in plenty of dark alleys and some not so dark ones too. Not to mention that I'm still alive despite the fact I was five when it happened for the first time, not fourteen." I try to stifle my laugh to no avail, the look on her face.

"Go back to bed Hazel." Percy smiles.

"I'll take her." Nico volunteers.

"You do that, Nico but you're not coming back." I tell him, smirking.

"But Jason gets to stay!" Nico protests.

"Jason is thirteen and-" Percy says.

"Not in there!" Jason shouts from the main room.

"Yes, thank you for that wonderful piece of information, Jase, because we are all blind and cannot see that fact." I shout back sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up." he mutters coming through the door.

"All of you too bed!" Percy screams, "Including you Leo!" he adds as an after thought.

"Aw, man." Leo moans, "I thought you'd forgotten about me."

"How could we ever forget you, Repair Boy, especially with all that coughing you do!" I laugh, "Now go before Percy blows a fuse and Nico passes out on the floor!"

They all leave (with much grumbling of course) and we're alone with the mysterious group of teenagers. Okay, maybe mysterious is the wrong word for them. Annoying, perhaps would describe them better or intruding. Maybe horrific or idiotic. The real question of course is what do we do with them? We can't send them home alone at this time and we can't go with them either. Their parents will worry if they don't come back soon but they won't go back unless they wait until morning. Ugh, why is this so complicated? We don't have enough space for all of them to sleep here and I doubt they could sleep on the floor.

"Percy, can I have a word please?" I ask and he follows me into the other room.

"What?" he whispers.

"What do we do with them?" I whisper back.

"We can't send them home so they'll have to stay here." He answers with a sigh, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah but where will they sleep?" I ask.

"One of them could sleep on the couch and we still have those to roll out mats, right?" he says.

"Yeah, and we can fit three on the bed if we sleep on the floor." I complete his plan.

"Or not sleep." Percy mutters.

"Yeah or not sleep." I agree.

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