The Samuel's

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I'm updating on time, 'tis a miracle! You guys are amazing, I have 3.1K views, 239 votes and 18 comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and stick with it.

Beware there are some pretty heavy themes discussed in this chapter.

Calypso POV

I start awake for no reason, Leo is still sitting by the fire. I check my watch, I've been asleep for an hour. I get up and walk over to sit down next to him. He starts, nearly dropping the stick he's holding back into the dying fire.

"Hi," I say.

"Hi," he says back, drawing something with the charred end of the stick.

I lean over to look at it, it looks like a blueprint. A really complicated one of a dragon, he's drawn a diagram for the building of a mechanical dragon. Festus he's written under it. Below that drawing is a ship with a dragon figure head, it looks like an ancient Greek trimer. Around it he's written words like Flying and Fire and under it he's called it the Argo II.

"You're really talented you know." I tell him and he looks at me in astonishment.

"These are just sketches I do when I'm bored, they're not that good." He mutters, "And anyway they're far too imaginative, we don't really have the technology to make a flying ship."

"We have made a flying ship before, you know?" I say, watching as he starts drawing another diagram.

"Yeah and it crashed during its test drive, just fell right out of the sky." He says, putting the finishing touches to his new invention. It's a table apparently called Buford.

We sit in silence after that while he draws and perfects diagram after diagram. He's not paying attention to me anymore, completely absorbed in his work. It's pretty amazing to watch how he can create designs that surpass that of some of the most impressive designs I've ever seen and those were by some of the greatest engineers of the century.

"I'm sorry about what Piper said." I say, finally breaking the silence.

"It's fine, she thinks she's superior to us. I get it, everyone thinks they're superior to us." Leo shrugs, "Jason won't hurt her, you know, though I don't understand why you didn't you after them."

I shrug, "To be honest I don't know why we didn't go after them. Maybe we knew he wouldn't hurt her or maybe we all think it's time Piper gets what's always been coming to her."

"Yeah, well she's a bitch. How are you guys friends with her anyway, if she's so horrible and all?" he asks.

"I don't know, friend choices are pretty limited and she used to be really sweet. She's not that bad a person really, she's just misguided and if we dropped Piper it would be awkward because Annabeth and Piper are best friends and our parents are best friends." I explain. Piper really isn't that bad she's just been raised to think a certain way.

"Huh, I guess they don't let many people into the elite circles." Leo says, throwing his stick back into the fire.

"You should probably sleep," I say, "Your friends not going to get better if you worry about her."

I get up and he follows me, he climbs into bed next to Annabeth and Will. He doesn't fall asleep though, he's building something under the sheets. Maybe it's a little model of his dragon or maybe it's something completely different.


The door bursts open and people flood in, it seems they had to take Hazel to the hospital then. They seem surprised to see us. They take us downstairs and separate us from Jason and Leo. We get taken to a police station and told that our parents have been worried and will be here to collect us soon. They also tell us that the kids won't go unpunished for kidnapping us even though we tell them they didn't. Piper keeps asking what happened to Jason but no one listens to us. Our voices are lost in a storm.

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