Maybe They Actually Can Help

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Again this chapter has been beta read by Mimi123Meg on Wattpad and Ao3.

Despite her wonderful advice, editing, and best efforts. This chapter is terrible, because I'm bad at writing and plot. So enjoy, but be wary.

Sally POV

Holding my son again is both the most wonderful and terrifying feeling in the world. I spent so many years believing he was dead that it feels like he might just evaporate. He hasn't though. He's here and very much not dead, I don't want to let him go.

We sit on the floor in a pile of limbs and tears for a long time. Jason is squashed in the middle, his arms wrapped tightly around Percy's neck. My son is sobbing in my arms, his head buried in my shoulder as though he is still a child. It feels more right than anything has since I lost him. I have my son back and I am content to stay on this floor forever with him clutched in my arms.

We have get up eventually though, because Thalia arrives and immediately comes over to us. She flings her arms around Jason, but just gives Percy a nod. She leads Jason over to where Paul is sitting, leaving me and Percy alone. I still have his hand clutched in mine. I can't seem to let go, I don't want to let go. He's probably angry now that he's all cried out, that's how it was when he was a kid anyway. After the tears always came the anger. Maybe that's changed though, he's been forced to adapt to a completely different environment after all.

"I'm sorry," I say after a few minutes of silence, "I'm so sorry Percy, I should have looked for you."

He just smiles sadly down at me, he's grown so much, and says "It's fine, really mom. You moved on and that was what I wanted you to do in the end."

We move to some chairs on the other side of the room. We both sit in silence for a few minutes, eyes on Thalia and Jason. The way they look after these kids is amazing and a harsh reminder of exactly how much has been placed on their shoulders. The way Percy and Thalia are almost constantly aware of everything every one of them is doing, those are the instincts of parents. Leo's first thought when something went wrong was call Thalia, she'll know what to do. It makes me want to take them all in and erase it from their memories. I know that it's made them what they are now, though. It's made them kind and strong. Being forced to parent has made them beautiful in some ways. They do it wonderfully too.

"Percy, I'm sorry," I say again, looking at my son, "I really am, and you should be angry with me, but what you've done? The family you've build with Thalia, it's amazing."

Percy smiles softly, "I was angry for a while, but then I realised if it had been different I never would have had Nico and Hazel and Leo and Jason and Thalia. I'm grateful for them, and you're here now. Why be angry?"

"Because the world is unfair, and you have every right," I'm unbelievably proud of him, though, for making that choice and I think he knows that.

We fall into silence again. I'm still holding onto him like the moment I let go he'll be gone away. He's clutching my hand as hard as I am his. Like if he lets go I might disappear too. I can tell it will take a lot of time for both of us to heal, it will take even longer for Percy of course. I can't take away everything that's happened to him, to any of them, no matter how much I might want to. I want to help them heal though, I want to look after my son.

I sigh, "Percy, me and Paul have been talking. We were thinking about adopting Leo and Jason, and obviously that got us onto the topic of the rest of you. We'd like to look after you, give you a home. Only if you want of course, and even if you stay where you are you're welcome in our house."

Percy's eyes seemed to light up, "Really?"

"Of course," I smile, "Our home has space, and we've been talking about adoption for years. It might be hard to convince the agencies, I don't want to get your hopes up."

His eyes sparkle mischievously, "I think I can help with that."

Annabeth POV

We've been networking for weeks, using our names to our advantage. Calling as many powerful people as we know, and some we only know of. Piper's been emailing back and forth with one of her dad's friends involved in the Judicial system. I've been on the phone with the adoption service for twenty total hours. Now the only thing we need is a person in the area willing to adopt six kids. For that we need Percy's help, we've seen him a few times but haven't told him much about out plan. We simply informed that we had one and nothing he said or did could stop us. We'd told Thalia the same thing, but she'd just laughed and said whatever.

Piper has seen Jason a few times and always afterwards Calypso and I were treated to a detailed description of everything he had done and said. How his eyes were so blue. His hair was beautifully blond. According to Piper, Jason was absolute perfection. I wasn't quite sure, but so long as she's happy what I think doesn't really matter. He just better not break her heart.

We've trying to figure out how to ask if there's anyone that they know who'd be willing to take them in, but so far everything sounds too awkward or like it wouldn't be the right situation. 'Hi, so I know you're basically visiting your sick child in hospital, but do you perhaps know anyone who wants six children? Hypothetically speaking, of course.'. Yeah, that would go over wonderfully.

Piper lets out a groan of frustration, "I'm starting to think we should just ask them, planning be damned!"

I laugh, "Are you okay over there?"

"No, I've been emailing for hours," she sighed, "Everything is all lined up, just a few words to the right people and we can finalise an adoption. The only problem is we're too scared to just ask Percy and Thalia if there's anyone that they'd be okay with living with, at least until they're old enough to adopt the kids themselves."

I sigh too now, rubbing a hand over my face tiredly, "Maybe you're right, we could just ask them and explain what we've been doing. Planning be damned."

Piper sighs again (there's a lot of sighing these days), "I'm probably right, but they're busy right now anyway so might as well try to come up with the perfect plan."

I nod, sometimes it's hard to believe that it's still the same Piper I knew two months ago. She's changed so much and yet so little. She's changed for the better though, that's for sure. No more talk of annoying ugly street rats, just of helping these six kids have a better life. I find myself wondering if Piper will widen her crusade once we've helped them. It seems possible, she's a very determined person. Always has been.

It will be a good thing if she does, I've been trying to tell her for years. We should be helping people, we have enough to give. Those are the sort of things that just used to be brushed aside as 'Annabeth rants'. Not that it matters right now, we have a mission. Everything else can come later. Including optimistic future predictions.

Calypso pushes open the door, "I would like everyone to know that there are far too many stairs in this house."

Piper looks up in surprise, then starts laughing, "Why didn't you take the lift?"

Calypso glares at her, "Because it's not working, what are you guys doing?"

"Planning," Piper answers, going back to typing on her computer.

"Yeah-" I'm interrupted by the ringing of my phone, "Hang on."

It's Percy, when I answer he sounds breathless, "Hi, Annabeth. I need your help."

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