Sally Jackson and Her Son

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Hi, nice to see you again. I have no excuses, absolutely none. Okay, I have two. I started a new school and my internet broke. Neither are good. I'm so sorry.

On another note, I'm looking for a Beta reader. If anyone is interested please PM me.

That is all.


There is a room in the Blofis house that no one ever goes into. There is a room with a shiny handle. There is a room with a clean white door, free of marks. There is a room with dust coated furniture. There is a room painted blue. There is a room with a bookshelf full of toys. There is a room with an empty fish tank. There is a room that looks like it's waiting for someone who's never coming home.

In that room, there are pictures of a small black haired boy, his green eyes sparkling with happiness. One of these I have seen, worn and faded by time, over and over again in the pocket of the boy I have come to think of as my protector. A photograph he used to show us when we got too sad even though it made him sad. The photo is barely recognisable anymore, but I can see that they are the same.

It's so obvious now that I know. I feel so stupid. How many people do I know with black hair and green eyes? Exactly one, one person who I've spent years with. How could I not see that? How could I not have recognised him?

He was not supposed to be the same person. It was not meant to be like that because the Percy I know does not have a wonderful kind mother and father. The Percy I know does not know a world of homemade cookies and homecooked meals. The Percy I know was abandoned and beaten down. The Percy I know is sad and broken. The Percy I know ran away from monsters.

I scramble to pull the newly acquired phone out of the new jeans I was given by Sally. My breath is coming in short quick gasps because Sally is not supposed to be the person who hurt my brother. She's not supposed to be the one who made him so sad. She's not supposed to be.

Thalia picks up on the second ring, her voice cheery but tired.

"Hi, Leo," she answers, then she hears my rapid breathing, "Leo, are you okay?"

"It's her, Thals. Sally is Percy's mother, Mrs Blofis. She's no good, she's not like she was supposed to be," I choke out, tears now threatening to fall.

Thalia sighs, "Okay, Leo. I know it seems like that but remember that old photograph? Percy loves that thing. I know we don't exactly talk to you guys about these things but Percy loves his mom. He really does and he thinks she's amazing. Yeah, maybe she hurt him but from what he's told me it wasn't her fault."

"Really?" I ask, because it can't be true. None of our parents cared, they couldn't have.

"Yes, Leo it's not a happy story but it is true or at least Percy thinks so and I trust him," Thalia sighs, and I can picture her rubbing her face tiredly, "And I know you do too, he saved you and he saved Nico and Hazel. Do you really think he learnt to be good through shear will power?"

"No," I whisper, "Did she teach him?"

"Yes, of course she did. Think of everything they've done for you and Jason," Thalia says, "Percy continues to try to do the same thing for you. Look, I think you should tell her you know or Percy or let me tell-"

"Leo, what are you doing in here?" Sally asks softly from the door, and I whirl around almost dropping the phone.

"I-I got curious, a-and-" I stammer, "How could it be you?"

"Okay, Leo, that's not what I meant when I said tell her," Thalia mutters through the phone dangling by my side.

"What do you mean, Leo?" Sally asks, "What does he mean Thalia?"

"You're Percy's mom!" I explode, "You're her, it's you!"

Before she can respond Thalia starts talking rapid fire, "Percy is one of us, he saved most of us actually. Leo's just a bit in shock is all, but Percy loves you a lot. He says it's not your fault, that you couldn't have done anything. Leo didn't know any of that, Percy isn't really a sharey person. Not when it comes to the kids, and-"

"You know where my son is?" Sally puts an end to Thalia's rambling, "Is he okay?"

"Percy's fine, Ms Jackson," Jason answers from behind her, "Or he's mostly fine, he's stuck in care like the rest of us and living on the streets isn't pleasant."

"He's alive, my son is alive," Sally looks like someone has just given her the greatest gift of all time, "Paul, Percy's not dead. Where is he? Do you know where he is?"

"With all due respect Ms Jackson, Percy is not really in the mood to talk to you right now," Thalia sounds apologetic, her voice which has been relatively cheerful up until this point now sounds tired and worried, "I just heard, Leo you need to go to the nearest hospital."

"What, why?" I ask, confused.

"Nothing too big, but we don't want another scare. Nico was rushed to hospital after he got knocked out by fainting on his way down the stairs. He's fine now, just your typical lack of physical health and now he gets to stay with Hazel but I mentioned your symptoms to one of the nurses and we don't want to just leave it be anymore," Thalia doesn't sound like a teenager anymore, she sounds like a parent with the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"What?" Sally and Paul look confused, probably because this is the first they've heard of it.

Jason nods though, "We probably should have gone ages ago."

I know they're right, of course they are. Percy and Thalia are almost always right when it comes to such things and Jason usually has pretty sound judgement when he's thinking clearly. Besides I'd been wondering myself, it probably wasn't a good idea to just leave it be like we'd done for years. We had the option now, it'd probably be best if we use it.

"Okay," I say.

Thalia sighs with relief, "Not that I was asking but that's good. Ms Jackson, Mr Blofis I'd really appreciate it if you would take my brothers to the hospital or however this thing works."

I feel the nausea come over me suddenly, as it always did and as always at the worst possible time. I hold my hand over my mouth and bolt into the bathroom. Behind me I hear Thalia and Jason swear in unison, used to this by now. Hell, they were probably expecting it. It's been a while, so it was due to happen.

"ER then," I think I hear Mr Blofis say.

Sally kneels behind me, rubbing my back and whispering comfortingly as I retch into the toilet. It's very kind of her considering the situation. She's just found out that not only is her son not dead like she thought but he's in contact with the two homeless boys you've taken under your wing, then she finds out that one of them is sick, and then he starts throwing up in her toilet. It's a lot to take in even in the best of circumstances.

Thalia is talking to Mr Blofis on the phone somewhere in the background, and Jason is sitting beside Sally. I remember when this used to happen back on the streets, only I was throwing up in a bucket and Percy would sit by my side until it was over while Thalia made the bed and kept the others away. It's much easier to throw up into a toilet than a bucket and probably easier to clean too. It's weird to not have Percy by my side but Sally Jackson seems to have the same comforting essence that Percy does. It's probably where he gets it from. He probably gets a lot from her, truth be told.

After I had disgorged everything in my body Sally helped me up off the floor and into Mr Blofis's car. I suppose they were taking me to the hospital but I was really tired and couldn't focus on what anyone was saying. Someone hands me my phone and Thalia is whispering reassuring nothings in my ear. I fall asleep to the sound of the car and Thalia's voice.

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