School isn't as Fun as He Thought

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Well, I was almost on time. Enjoy this spectacular fail of writing that is basically dialog, dialog and more dialog. Luckily I figured out how to make this story work and everything should move faster now. Anyway, read on.

Piper POV

"What did he say?" I ask as Annabeth enters.

She throws her coat on the rack and collapses onto my bed, "He said," she answers, "and I quote, Zeus Grace is an asshole who doesn't even care about his own kids."

"That's exactly what he said?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm a few words off but the gist is the same," Annabeth says miserably.

"Hey, it's okay. They're just a bunch of street kids, anyway," I say even though I don't believe it anymore. I can't believe they're less than me now that I've kissed one of them, now that I stayed with them.

"Don't say that," Annabeth snaps, then deflates, "it just makes me feel worse."

"Well, too bad," I say, the steal in my voice surprises me, "because this isn't about you or me, this about them and that was a very stupid plan."

"It really was," Annabeth says, sitting up, "What were we thinking?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter because I have a plan B," I grin, expecting Annabeth to join in but she just shakes her head.

"Percy also said that we should stop trying to help them, plus they're waiting until Hazel is better before trying anything," Annabeth explains with a sigh.

"Well, I don't care, we're helping them. Hazel might not get better and if they get adopted then the only one who will have contact with her will be Nico." I am not letting the first boy I have ever loved get away that easily, sure I'm only almost fourteen and I'm probably going to date a million other guys before I settle down but he's not going anywhere.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Annabeth asks, "Smuggle them out at a party?"

"No, don't be ridiculous," I say, "Of course we're not going to throw them back out on to the streets."

"Then what are we going to do?" she asks.

I grin, "We're going to use the influence our parents are always telling us we have and we are going to talk to Social Services."

"That's it, no silly fan fair or adoption plans or smuggling?" Annabeth raises her eyebrows.

"Nope," I say.

"Just rich people influence?"


Jason POV

"You're going to school," Ms Lupa says, "Both of you. We've assessed you and you know enough to go into fifth grade."

"But I'm thirteen almost fourteen, I'm supposed to be in eighth grade. That's three years behind, Leo's only one," I protest, even though I'm surprise I'm even in fifth grade considering I was only in second grade when we left.

"Well, your level is closer to fourth grade so be happy you're not four years behind. Now go get dressed, both of you. You start in half an hour," she clapped her hands and we both scrambled to their feet.

"We're going to school," I grin while pulling on a shirt.

"Why are you excited about this?" Leo asks, "I'd much rather stay at home and watch TV and laze around and do nothing that requires maths."

"But we get to learn," I say, "And be around kids our age."

"They're three years younger than you, Jason," Leo says, beating Jason to the bathroom.

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