Smiley Simon

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Oh, would you look at that I'm not dead. I'm so sorry for not updating for two/three months, I had writers block and many projects. Still have many projects because I'm not English or American or in the Northern Hemisphere so it's not the summer holidays and there's much school.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter even if it is a little short. Please Review, Favourite or Follow. (Also, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.)

Hazel POV

It hurts, I hurt and I can barely breathe but I know I can do this. I can get better because, even though I can't really think clearly, I know I'm in hospital and I know that means everyone's in foster care. Just because I'm nine doesn't mean I don't understand what that means. No one's come to see me yet but that's probably because they haven't been allowed to. I know Nico would be here if he could.

The doctors are all very nice here and they tell me I had congestive heart failure. I'm not sure what that means but the doctors say that I'll probably be fine now though it could happen again. The nurses always look sad when they come in here, like they pity me. I don't want pity; pity is condescending not sympathetic. I hear the doctors talking they say I'm malnourished and seem to have a continual cold. That comes with living on the streets.

This room is so different from what I'm used to and it's not just the continual beeping. It's all white and blue and grey, it's warm but there's no crackling fire and it's spotlessly clean. We never lived in a dump but there was always dust or dirt or ash or leaves no matter how many times we swept it away or burnt it. Another difference it the noise, we were always noisy but here the noise never stops. There's always shouting, screaming and beeping, people running up and down outside my door. I miss Percy, Nico and Thalia, I miss Leo and Jason, I even miss those rich kids. No one will tell me anything no matter how many times I ask.

"Good morning, Hazel is it?" I look up and see a new doctor, or is he a nurse? I think he's a doctor though he looks awfully young.

I nod mutely and he smiles, obviously pleased he got it right, "I'm Dr Reader but you can call me Simon if you want or whatever else takes your fancy."

"Okay, Simon," I say and he smiles again.

"I'm going to be your doctor for now because Dr Atlas is sick. How are we feeling today?" he asks, pen ready to scribble notes.

I shrug, though it hurts a little bit because there's a weird tube that's supposedly draining my lungs, "I'm feeling a little better than yesterday but everything hurts."

He smiles a little sadly now, "Yes, well, I'm afraid that's not going to go away any time soon. Are you breathing okay?"

"Well, that hurts too but it's defiantly easier than yesterday," I say brightly because it is and I'm glad of it.

"That's good then, I'm going to listen to your breathing and your heart and then I'll be done, okay?" I nod and he takes out his stethoscope. It's cold on my skin but I not as cold as I had expected, Dr Atlas's stethoscope it always freezing cold.

"Okay, everything sounds like it should," Simon says after about ten minutes, and he grins now. "Maybe tomorrow we can take that tube out, how would that be?"

"Really, that's great. I want that the tube feels weird," I tell him, he's a really smiley doctor and not at all like doctor Atlas. "Smiley Simon, when can I see my brother?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry Hilarious Hazel," he says, smirking slightly when I start in surprise, "but maybe I can get him here tomorrow."

"Really, Smiley Simon?" I ask, that's what I'm going to call him from now on. It really suits him.

"Yes Hilarious Hazel, I believe that family is a necessary part of the healing process. Is there anyone else who you desperately want to see?" Simon asks, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Yes!" I exclaim, "I want to see Thalia and Percy. I mean I want to see Jason and Leo as well but I don't think I'm allowed to see that many people at the same time."

'We'll see, Happy Hazel," he says, his eyes twinkling.

"I thought I was Hilarious Hazel?" I say, pouting.

"You can be both, right now you're Happy Hazel and sometimes you're Hilarious Hazel," he grins.

"Okay, Sneaky Simon," I smile sweetly at him and he laughs.

"Goodbye, Hearty Hazel. I'll see you later," he ducks out the door, still chuckling at his own pun.

I roll my eyes and grin; I like Smiley Simon. He's the nicest doctor I've met so far.


"Hilarious Hazel," Someone whispers and I start awake. Standing next to my bed is Simon and next to him is-

"Nico!" I shout, and he hugs me. Behind him I see Thalia and Percy, they're both grinning manically and as soon as Nico realises me they both pull me into a big hug. "Thanks Silly Simon," I grin at him.

"No problem, Hopeful Hazel. Just don't get too happy and dislodge some tube or other because I'll have to save your life and that is not what I had planned for my morning," he says, throwing himself down in the chair next to by bed.

"How are you, Haze?" Nico asks, climbing onto my bed next to me.

"I'm great now, a little sore but much better," I answer honestly and they all grin at me, "What?"

"Nothing, Leo could learn something from you. Honesty's the best policy, don't you know," Thalia grins and sits on the edge of my bed while Percy takes a seat in the other chair.

We end up talking about what's happened since we last saw each other and the rich kids. Percy and Nico talk about all the board games they've learned to play since they can't go to school because no one knows what grade to start them in. Thalia talks about the other girls at her home, how horrible Drew is, how violent Clarisse is, how kind and concerned Jasmine is, and how sweet Lacy is. I talk about how nice the doctors are and how kind all the nurses are but how I don't like Dr Atlas very much. Percy offers too main him for me and Simon says he agrees with me that Dr Atlas is pretty cold.

When they leave I throw my arms around Simons neck, "Thank you, Sassy Simon."

"No problem, Happy Hazel."

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