Orphan Girl (2)

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Chapter 2 of Just an Orphan Girl up and running... 



Scott's P.O.V

I hated what she was going through.

How people treat her is disgusting.

I could see the annoyance and frustration in her eyes every time she arrived at school, seeing people laugh at her. I hated them all. I wanted to hurt each and every one of them who was was rude to her. Most of all, I wanted to hurt Mary, Oakley's guardian. The woman that treats her like crap every single day and Oakley doesn't do anything about it. She sits there and lets people bully her. Why? She blushes and doesn't say anything a thing.

Yeah I'm going to admit it, I love it when she blushes, It's so cute. She does it all the time. She is just adorable all together. I wouldn't admit that to her though. I don't think we have ever had a proper conversation before.

I talked to my dad a few weeks ago about Oakley, wanting him to do something about how she was treated. I loved her, she was my soul mate and I could feel it. Dad didn't care though. She isn't one of us so he doesn't approve. I didn't think he would. If only he knew how much I care about her, he would change his mind, I know it. It was very rare for a wolf to form a bond with a human. It almost never happened before. My father was almost ashamed to admit it to the pack. He talks down to me whenever I mention her to them. It's as if I'm an embarrassment to the family. 

If only I had a chance to talk to her properly, that would change everything. She thinks I'm a jerk. A high school prick that will treat her badly just like everyone else.

I hate myself for letting it get this far. I should’ve known better.

There is a slight advantage having an Alpha as your father. For starters, we have the best house in the pack. It's in the forest, but not too far away from everything. The best bit is was, it is was in running distance to Oakley's house.

Being close to Oakley, calms me down. Even if I don't see her, it makes me feel so much better. Being able to smell her and know she is safe is all I care about. I went to Oakley's Orphanage, and sat behind a tree, only close enough so I could hear what was happening inside. This is where you could normally find me after school, behind a tree, so she couldn't see me, but I could see her. It sounds bad, but I'm desperate.

My wolf started growling when I heard a scream coming from inside.  

"Let me go Jason!" She screamed. Without thinking I ran to the front door and was going to bash it down when her screaming stopped.

Breathe Scott, She's probably just mucking around. With all my strength I ran back home, needing to get away from her. I needed to stop thinking about her all the time. It was starting to get unhealthy.

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