Orphan Girl (6)

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 Scott's P.O.V

It was 9:40 and Oakley still wasn't home yet. I was sitting in the kitchen nervously fiddling with my phone, finally admitting to myself that I was worried about her.

What could possibly be taking her so long? Why wasn't she home yet?

 Maybe something had happened to her when she was driving home from work and she couldn’t call someone.

She was angry when she left for work, what if she crashed the car?

Did she even make it to work on time?

She was killing me here.

"Mate, what are you still doing here?" Jason asked wondering into the kitchen grabbing a glass of milk from the fridge.

"Waiting for Oakley, what does it look like I’m doing?" I snapped.

"Why?" He snapped at me.

"I'm the babysitter Jason, I care for everyone around here, not just the little ones." Why didn't anyone understand that I cared for her? Was I really that mean towards her?

"Go home already, she’ll be back any minute now. She isn't a kid anymore Scott; she can take care of herself. She has been forever now." Jason muttered walking off to his room, slamming the door behind him.

 As soon I got up from my chair, I heard the front door unlock. Oakley entered the house and her scent filled the air automatically calming me down. My body slowly relaxed when she made her way into the kitchen, not realising I was still there watching her.

"Hey." I said making her jump. She dropped the drink bottle she was holding, and it fell to the floor in slow motion.

With my wolf speed I ran in front of her and caught the bottle seconds before it fell to the ground.

"Far out Scott you scared me to death!" She gasped holding her hand on her chest.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” I said sincerely.

"What are you still doing here Scott? I thought you would have gone home ages ago, everyone's in bed aren't they?” She asked in a whisper afraid to watch the kids up.

"I was waiting for you to come home before I left." I told her truthfully.

"Why would you do that?"

"It’s like you said earlier before you left, I'm the babysitter; I look out for everyone around here." I smiled kindly towards her.

She nodded slowly, still confused at my actions. "Right, well then, is everyone in bed?” She asked me.

"Yep" I said popping the P. “They were all showered and in bed an hour ago.”

"What time where they asleep?”  She was shocked.

I thought for a few seconds trying to remember the torturous hour when I chased all the young ones around the house begging them to sleep. I swear at first they were nocturnal or something. “Um, like eight, or around then. Is that alright?” I replied hopeful.

“Wow, good job, they must like you.” She muttered to herself, shaking her head.

“Everyone likes me.” I smiled widely.

She rolled her eyes, “Well, I’m going to head to bed, I’m so tired from work.” She nodded and turned around to go to her room leaving me alone in the kitchen.

 As I watched her turn around, I realised this whole act was pointless and a waste of time. There was no way I could continue to ignore her at school, she was just too perfect, she made it impossible for me.

"Oakley wait up." I called after her.

She turned around too fast, not realising how close we were apart, she knocked into my chest, our heads only centimetres apart.

I wrapped my arm around her back and she stiffened slightly.

"You looked really beautiful today at school." I blurted out, not knowing what else to say to her.

Her cheeks turned the cutest shade of red. I didn’t understand why she blushed all the time around me, but I loved it. I must have such a big effect on her.

"I just thought I’d let you know." I smiled genuinely to her.

She blushed even deeper than before.

"Also, I'm um, I’m sorry about what happened today at school.” I muttered dryly thinking about when I brushed her off in the car park. It was horrible of me to leave her like that.

She dropped her head, still speechless.

"It was a dick move and I’m sorry. Have a good night's rest alright?" I brushed the hair that was on her face.

Again, she nodded.

"Goodnight Oakley." I stepped back and went to the kitchen leaving her to find her way to her bedroom. I picked up my keys and my phone from the table and shoved them into my pocket about to leave.

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