Orphan Girl (8)

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So I just want to thank all you guys reading Just an Orphan Girl.
Today has been such a good day.
Wanna know why?

Today I received 8 fans, like just today!!
That may not seem alot but seeings that It took me 2 months to get 16, I'm pretty darn HAPPY!!!
So I uploaded early. I wasn't going to for the next few days. but your all just so amazing!!

back to the story ay?



Claire xx


Oakley’s P.O.V 

My throat hurt. My eyes hurt. Everything was hurting.

I woke up to the sound of two screaming males, arguing.

“Move man, let me through!” A deep voice growled.

“You have no right to see her after what you did.” Someone yelled back.

“Jason don’t make me ask you again.”

“She doesn’t need you. You’re worthless piece of crap. Get out of my house.”

“You’re house?”

“Yeah, I’m the man in this house, and I want you out. I don’t care that your alpha’s son. That means shit to me. You hurt someone I care for. I’m not cool with that.” Aw Jason does love me. I smiled.

“She’s awake.” Was that Scott?

Suddenly memories flooded into my head. Scott was angry. Really angry. He hit me. Scott Williams hit me.

Why wasn’t I angry at him? Furious even?

He wanted to come and see me because he was sorry? He better be sorry.

“How the hell do you know? She’s upstairs.” Jason snapped.

“Go check on her. If you won’t let me then do it yourself, please?” Scott nagged.

“Fine. Don’t follow me.” He whispered. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

If Scott found out I was awake he might want to see me.

“Oakley you alright?” He asked softly stroking the hair of my face.

Don’t wake up Oakley, don’t wake up.

“I know you’re awake Oak’s the blanket is too high up for you to be asleep.”

I opened one of my eyes to see he was looking straight at me smirking.

“How did you know?” I whispered, my throat still burning.

“When you sleep, the blanket is always under your armpits.” He smiled proudly.

I looked at him. How the hell did he know that?

“I’m more observant than you think.”

I smiled. “What time is it?” I asked, not bothered to turn over and check my small alarm clock.

He shifted nervously. “2:30.” I had only been out for a few hours.

Looking at his face told me otherwise.

“Jason what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Oakley It’s Thursday. You have been out for two days.”

I looked at him is disbelief. He was lying.

“Scary huh?” He tried to lighten the mood. It clearly didn’t work.

“Scott” It wasn’t really a question.

“He wants to see you.” Jason muttered obviously pissed off again.

“I don’t wanna talk to him.” I sighed.

“Want me to tell him you’re sleeping?” He shrugged.

“Yeah okay.” I nodded.

“You hungry?” He asked getting up of the seat.

This is when I got a good look at Jason. There were black under his eyes. His hair was a mess. Jason, his hair was always perfect. His face almost looks more pale than normal.

“Are you okay Jason?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about me Oak’s. Want me to bring you some soup, Mary made it last night.” He smiled.

Since when did he call her Mary? I thought she hated that.

“Yeah that would be amazing.”

He ruffled my hair. “What are friends for?”

“Friends?” I asked surprised. We never got along the two of us. We barely talked on a daily basses.

“Yeah you’re not too bad.” I laughed at this.

“Get lost Jason.” I smiled

“Yes mam.” He saluted.

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