Orphan Girl (5)

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 Just an Orphan Girl - chapter 5


 Scott's P.O.V

School was defiantly going to be tough for the both of us. I watched as Oakley got out of her car and pulled her crutches out of the back seat she stabilized herself and made sure she was okay to walk, I noticed her eyes were all red and puffy. I didn’t really understand why, but I could tell she would cry herself to sleep almost every night, and has been for the past few years now.

Oakley looked straight towards me and smiled widely, like I was the most amazing person on the planet. She waved at me not caring what everyone else around her thought about it. That’s why I admired her so much. She couldn’t care less that people were going to talk about this probably for the rest of the week.

However, turning away from her, was probably one of the hardest things I had ever had to do before. My wolf was going crazy inside of me begging me not to turn my back to her, but I did. Soon she was going to have to forget about me and my troubled background. I closed my eyes and walked the complete opposite direction from her, hoping it didn’t affect her as much as it did to me.

I headed to class playing with the long straps on my school bag telling myself not to go back and apologise to Oakley when I was brought out of my thoughts when my best friend Tyler came up behind me and jumped on my back, over my school bag. He wrapped his legs around my waist and held on tightly so he wouldn’t fall.

“Hey man.” I smiled up at him. Tyler was always a good distraction. He was the best at making you forget your problems and just be happy. I guess maybe it was because he was so happy going his personality rubbed off on others.

“What’s going on Scotty boy?” He beamed ruffling my perfectly flat hair. I took pride in my hair at school. I didn’t like the whole ‘I just got out of bed look’.

“Going to class, maybe like you should be too.” I nodded.

“What happened back there with Oakley? You totally brushed her off before. Everyone was laughing at her, she looked like she was going to break down to tears or something. I thought she was your mate. What happened? You guys in a fight or something?”

So I guess people did notice it then. “It was nothing. Forget about it, I already have.” I told him hopping that it didn’t turn into something massive and blow up in my face like I was expecting it too.

“You like her man, why the hell are you brushing her off like that? That’s not the way to win ’em over we both know that.”

“I can’t like her Ty, dads already laid down the rules so many times, it’s over. Nothing can happen.”

“Since when have you ever listened to your dad? Why is this different?” Tyler reasoned with me.

“This is different, you know that dude.”  I stopped in front of the classroom door and turned to Tyler who was no standing on the ground not on my back.

Tyler sometimes had a brain, he didn’t use it very much, but I was defiantly there.
“Good luck in class.” He sung walking to his class next door.

I groaned as I stepped into class and looked around and tried to find a seat. Cursing, when I saw who was sitting next to the only spare seat in the class.
Before this week, I would have begged to sit next to her, but after last night, it was the last thing on my mind.

Sitting directly next to her was not part of my plan.
I walked over to her and slumped down in my seat avoiding all eye contact with her.  She didn’t even acknowledge me though. I guess she obviously got the message that I didn't want to talk to her then.

We couldn’t be friends. 

I have to keep telling myself this. 

It'll be easier in the long run for the both of us. Her especially.

“Okay class.” Mr. Kelly my English teacher called out.

“Today we’re doing the mid-year exam which I hope you all prepared for like I told you too. I hope everyone does well, this will be going on your end of year report.” He told us all while handing the sheet of paper out to each student.

“No talking, or copying because I will rip it up and send you out, don’t you think I’m not joking, I have done it before, and I will do it again if necessary. This is a really important text guys, I want you all to do well.” He lectured us.

The test was a breeze, I studied for it this morning when I had the chance too, when I wasn’t distracted that was. I knew what I was doing.

Towards the end of the lesson I glanced over and saw that Oakley was well and truly finished, drawing random symbols on the back page of the test. She was actually pretty good drawer. She had finished her test in the first hour. Oakley was just one of them students who didn’t have to study to be smart. She didn’t really have time to study at home, so she was doing extremely well for herself.

I always liked a girl who was smart.

“What you drawing there girly?” I shot up when I saw the guy next to her on the other side was leaning on her desk smirking down at her.

“Nothing.’ She muttered moving her papers away turning the booklet over so he couldn't see them any longer.

“Why hide it when you have talent Oakley? Let me have a look at it.” He started tracing stuff on her bare arm with his finger.

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