Orphan Girl (23)

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hey guys sorry for the late upload i haven't had internet all week ;(
i don't know how i survived!! hahah


claire xx


Scott’s P.O.V

I honestly thought that Oakley was just going on a long holiday or something. That’s why all her stuff was packed in the back of the car. I just don't understand why she had to leave so suddenly. 

It was just all so sudden; I didn’t get a chance to stop her or even say anything.

She was crying, and was hoping that I wouldn’t notice it. Maybe she thought that if I didn't realize she was crying that it would be easier to say goodbye. I just don’t get why she left it to the very last minute. Why she couldn’t tell me a couple of weeks ago. Or better yet, when she originally found out.

I could have had a long talk to the Jim and expressed my mind. Tell him to watch himself.

I couldn’t believe out of every family she had to get adopted by them. There were millions of families out there that are willing to adopt and it had to be them.

Slowly, I made my way back to Oakley house, and saw the car was long gone. The tire marks still clear on the dirty driveway.

Oakley was gone.

I doubled looked at her house and saw Jason sitting on the doorstep, crying. I knew why he was upset, so there was no point in asking.

I sat down next to him, and he looked up at me, wiping his eye with his sleeve.

“She’s not gunna come back.” He whispered.

“I know man, I know.” I nodded. She promised that she would come back when she was 18.

 She would find something there. She wasn’t going to come back. I just knew it.

“They’re not good people Scott, you gotta know that. She’s not going to last there. Not for five minutes.” This got my attention.

“How do you know that Jason?” I asked.

Jason paused. I didn’t think he had told anyone this, not even Oakley. “They were one of my foster parents awhile back. They treated me like shit.”

I knew this; I knew they were bad people. I froze when she told me they were going to be taking care of her. Jim Kelang is the Alpha of the worst pack in the world. He was trouble, big trouble.

“How long were you with them for?” I gulped.

“Couple of months. Maybe less I dunno.”

“How’d you get out?” I asked, maybe Oakley could sneak off or something.

“Ended up in hospital. Bruise everywhere, broken legs. Doctors didn’t believe me when I told them it was them that did it. They have everyone on their side over there. I missed so much school and soccer, people got suspicious. Child service finally took me away.”

Oakley wasn’t going to last, there was just no hope for her there. There had to be something that I could do. Jason was strong, stronger that Oakley. She wasn’t a fighter when it can to that stuff.

Orphan GirlWhere stories live. Discover now