Orphan Girl (17)

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Hey guys sorry for the wait i was on a beautiful holiday!!  

thanks for all the votes when I was away. I appreciate it :)  


Claire xx


Scott's P.O.V

Alright, so she was scared of me. I gathered that much from her scream. I thought she was okay about it at first; she even took a step towards me, stupid me thinking that was my queue to lick her. Could I be any stupider if I tried? Dammit Scott, what is wrong with you?

I was a fool to think that a fragile girl like Oakley was going to be okay about the fact that I wasn't normal. Why, why couldn't I be normal? Why couldn't I have a normal life, with normal teenage problems?

But no.

That was just stupid. I was a dangerous werewolf that shouldn't be real. They should just be mythical creatures that are only read about in books and watched in movies. This wasn't a movie. This was real life. People like me don't exist in a humans life.

I followed her home that night. I was worried about her. She was in that much shock she could do something that she will regret and I will be there to protect her. Even if she doesn't accept me for who I am, I will always be watching out for her, no questions asked about that.

I didn't tell her the main problem about me being a werewolf was though which worried me. If she told anyone about us, I was dead.

Literally dead.

You can't tell anyone what we are, mates only if they didn't already know. Alpha's rules.

I was expecting for her to go straight home, so that was the first place I went, but she wasn't there. I couldn't smell her from out the front of the house, or the back. I actually didn't have a single clue where she would be.

She didn't have many friends, she couldn't have gone to someone' house. Maybe she was at Rachel's house. I didn't know Rachel very well but she was a friend of Oakley, and she needed a girlfriend to talk to.

Running to Rachel's house I still couldn't smell her anywhere. Where was she? Maybe someone took her as she left. I was too busy changing to notice her cries. Last time I didn't know where she was, she was nearly attacked by a werewolf. Nothing was going to happen to her this time.

I ran around the forest looking for her, she couldn't have gotten that far out. I didn't understand why this was so common for us. I was always looking for her, working my brain to the core thinking she was in danger. I really needed to find a hobby apart from stalking Oakley.

I was thinking about going home and creating a search party for her, but that's just a little out of control.

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