Part 3

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Deciding not to question the voice, I begin to search for a way out of the room, searching high and low. I exit the room and into the small hallway where the test subjects were tossed in, trying to break the door but I had no luck. I growl in frustration, the spikes on my back rattling, emitting a sound related to a rattle snake. However, to my luck I look up and see a vent of some sorts that is just big enough for me to fit through.

I grin and flip onto the ceiling, crawling into the vent and dashing over to an opening that I'm guessing will help lead me out of this dreaded place. Unfortunately, the opening closes as soon as I reach it and I hit it with my tail in hopes that it would open back up. The opening, or closening, just stays shut, a small hole is all that shows the outside.

I whimper in dismay, my tail lowering as I realise that was probably my only chance. I then jump, startled at Dr Grove's voice sounding out loud and clear. I growl before hearing the words "gas it" and before I knew it, white gas began to fill the vents. I squeaked, panicking as I rush back to where I came from only to find it closed too. I lower my head, curling up into a ball, allowing the gas to invade my senses as I know I don't have any other choice as my vision goes black and I pass out.

I groaned, raising my head and hissing as light hits me. I hiss a bit louder when I see Dr Groves in front of me, glaring at me before scolding me for trying to escape. "For goodness sakes man, calm yo self, how would you feel if you were trapped here, forced to fudging KILL innocent people?!" I hiss but as usual, he can't understand a single "word" I say. I begin to blank him out as I tilt my head to the side, pondering for a way to escape. I then jump again when a wave of electricity invades the room before disappearing and people begin to panic(at the disco xD no? Sry), screaming that there is a power failure and all the lights go off for a second. I hiss in victory as I feel the shackles loosen enough for me to pull free. "The restraints... The Xenomorph!" I hear a panicked voice say, and I look over to see one of the doctor peeps.

It was only then that I felt rather hungry and of course, angry, and I begin to close in on the doctor dude. This time, I felt no guilt what so ever, I just wanted to get revenge. I take in the view of the man trembling in fear, begging to go free but I just laugh. "Here, let me help both of us, I'll make this quick for you and I'll get a quick snack," I smirk, pushing him into a wall. His eyes widen as I open my mouth, my tongue slipping free before penetrating his head. I purr as the blood enters my mouth, before pulling back, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "Good doing business with you," I hiss before jumping through a convenient vent right above me. I run through the vents before stopping, hearing wails of what I'm guessing is from other Xenomorphs. I look around for somewhere to lead me out of the vents and shout, or try to, an "AHA!" when I see one. I jump out, in front of trapped Xenomorphs who hiss in hope and happiness when they see me which makes me smile widely 'good to know I'm doing something right for someone or thing' I thought before running over to a control panel of some sort.

I look at it, trying to figure out how to stop it before face palming myself 'you've got a mouthed tongue for a reason, use it,' I mentally slap myself 'oh yeah'. I open my mouth and my tongue immediately smashes the control panel thingy. For something quite small, it really does a lot of damage. I smile at the sight of the now free Xenomorphs, surprised at hearing thank you's when they break free. I then hear human's voices just outside the room and I get into position in front of the door, claws and teeth bared and tail pointed forward. I then attack when the door opens, knocking the wind out of the man I land on. I finish him quickly, impaling him with my tail before setting off after the next one, who is foolish enough to try and outrun me.

I jump on him, doing a front roll while holding onto him with my claws and I use my tongue to kill him. I flinch when alarms go off due to me having enhanced senses 'oh gosh, it's even worse than listening to 1D' I hiss, trying to block out the loud sounds. I run around, trying to figure out where to go, before screeching in pain at an excruciating pain in my arm, causing me to hide behind a wall. I whine, inspecting my arm and finding two hole like wounds in my arm 'gun shots'.

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