Part 11

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"It's a... I-it's a-" "predalien!" The predator announces proudly, staring at the hybrid with pride. "Took us centuries to capture one and finally! We have one in our hands!" He then turns to face me, what looks to be a smirk spreads across his crab like face. "There, now you've got one of your own kind aboard, well, almost."

He laughs before grabbing me by the wrists and my first reaction was to stab him in the chest with my tail. However, he quickly holds both of my wrists with one hand and catches the tip of my tail at lightning speed, leaving my tail a few centimetres away from his chest. His eyes then narrow into a cold glare, "now, let's not do that again shall we." He growls, plasma caster aimed at me, the red light flashing in my face making me hiss. I hear the predalien growl and hiss and mutter out a "let her go." The predator just laughs and shoves me towards the predalien's cage and pushes me in forcefully before closing the cage.

"Best to get acquainted!" He shouts as he disappears behind an automatic door. I growl and try to bite at the bars, my acidic saliva dripping over them but it was no use. I whine and my tail droops as I flop onto the ground, dog like whimpers escapes my mouth. I try to rest a bit but I sense the predalien beside me so I look up. It's tusks clatter against each other, giving off a familiar sound just like the predator's clicking but instead it's a bit lower and hisses emit from it's mouth. "Are you alright?" It asks, "he didn't hurt you too bad, did he?" The predalien kneels down, petting my head gently. "My name is Halkrath," (which means Shadow in Yautja/predator)it says, removing it's hand from my head, "I'm El-Six, my name is Six," I say before sigh and whisper "I'm worried about them," "who?" "My sisters and friends," I sigh again, sitting up with my tail coiled around my legs. The predalien just stays quiet before wrapping his arms around me, keeping me in a warm embrace.

"It's alright, I'm sure they're fine, a xenomorph, Thanator and two predators can take care of themselves."
I listen to who I'm kind of guessing is a he due to his voice and build and whisper quietly "I hope," I say before falling asleep beside the predalien. Before I completely fall asleep I hear him whisper a soft "goodnight" along with soft purrs.

"Hey, c'mon Six, we have to get up!" I hear someone whisper loudly and I groan swiping my hand in the direction of where the voice came from. "Nuh, give me five more minutes, mum! Or an hour..." I trail off, about to fall asleep again before I yelp as I'm lifted up from the ground. My tail clonks me on the head as it falls limply due to me not having enough strength to lift it because hey, I just woke up from taking lift off! I hear a laugh as I'm placed back down slowly onto the ground and I groan, rubbing my head and across the 6 imprint. "Maybe next time you could maybe, I don't know, try a gentler approach?" I growl in annoyance, a strange alien pout on my face which makes the voice laugh even louder. "Yeah yeah, sure now get up sleeping beauty," it snickers and I sit up, identifying the voice to be Halkrath. I growl and stand up, my hands make weird stretching and snapping sounds as my six fingers becomes unattached and I point one at him, still hand asleep and no doubt I look like a Xeno who was just risen from the dead. "No, bad Halkrath! I needed my beauty sleep!" I hiss and Halkrath just falls to the floor in a laughing fit, his tail and legs up in the air as he struggles to stop laughing which makes my face look like -_-.

"Sh-shut up! I get moody when I get woken up unexpectedly, now quit your bundle of giggles!" I say sternly but I can't help but laugh a bit along with him. Halkrath then eventually stands up, wiping his fingers across where his eyes would be as he tries to hold in his laughs. We then stare at each other for what seems to be two seconds before he once again falls to the floor in laughter, clutching his knees. I just huff in annoyance, trying to not let my own laughter show as I step away from him. "Oh COME ON! It wasn't THAT funny!" I say, slumping down onto the floor with my arms crossed, looking like a five year old who didn't get her way. To replace my laughter the spines along my back rattle and I let a little laugh escape my mouth.

Halkrath then gets up again, a clawed hand pressed against his mouth and he coughs before trying to be serious again. "Ha ha! *cough* right, okay the Yautja or predators should be coming here anytime soon so we need to be awake, calm and organised," he explains and I tilt my head, "uh okay," I say, standing straight and saluting the best I can. "Not THAT organised," he laughs and I drop my hand back down to my side, "oh right," I say and trace the alien imprint on my hand nervously. Halkrath spots the imprint and grabs my hand, inspecting it. "What's this?" He asks, tilting his head and his tusks quiver. "Oh it's a tattoo, yeah, a tattoo," Halkrath just tilts his head. "Uh, a what?" He asks, "oh um never mind, it's nothing, honestly."

An awkward silence then takes over and I see Halkrath continuing to stare at my hand before shaking his head. "Well, I hope you will have the courage to tell me eventually but for now we better wait on these blasted predators to get here." He growls slightly and stands beside me. He then rests his head gently on mine "I know we've just met and I'm treating you like a long lost friend but you have to trust me when I say I'll protect you from what will happen to us next." I then nod and wait for what seems like an eternity before I hear a bang on the door and at least eight predators enter along with the leading predator.

"Ah! Six, Halkrath! I see you've both gotten acquainted! So, let's begin shall we?"

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