Part 12

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The predator looks at us with a glint in his eye. I hear Halkrath growl and hiss quietly beside me but I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder which seems to calm him. The predator sighs, "calm down Halkrath, I'm not going to hurt you much," he says and I can literally sense Halkrath rolling his eyes from behind his helmet- like head. "Oh well, isn't that just reassuring?" He growls, talking a step closer but stops when the predators' red lights from their plasma casters land on him.

"I've just came for Six, you see, she's... Different, she's not a normal Xenomoroh that's for sure," The predator says calmly. He then nods his head towards me and two predators grab my arms and tail. Halkrath hisses and raises his hand, ready to strike the predators but the leading predator grabs his hand. "Relax Hal, we're just going to do a couple of experiments," he says and releases Halkrath's hand.

Halkrath just growls and backs away slightly before baring his teeth at the predators that are grabbing my arms and tail. "Besides," the leading predator says, "I'm not the one making the rules," and with that he says something in Yautja to the two predators and they yank me out of the room.

I struggle for a moment before going limp and I let them drag me to yet, surprise surprise, another room but this one was different. It had various strange tools, a few chairs and a big white table in the middle, big enough to fit a Queen Xenomorph on. I get worried and struggle again before being slapped by one of the predators. "Quiet!" They hiss before being silenced by the leading predator. "Leave her be!" He roars before looking down at me.

"My apologies for them and also if I do recall I believe I haven't introduced myself properly," he whispers before bending down slightly to my height. "My name is Jaguar, deputy leader of the Yautja," he introduces before standing straight again. "Right, moving along, please do me a favour and lay on the table," he says, waving a clawed hand to the white table which I look at with slight fear.

Jaguar must have heard my quiet whimper and saw my facial expression change as he lays a hand on my shoulder. "I promise you, it will be over before you know it and it will just be a little pinch. Oh, and you're probably wondering why we haven't had you and Halkrath killed, correct? Well, I'll explain later but let's say we're not like most Yautja." A maskless predator steps out with some sort of syringe in hand, filled with black liquid which is tinted with red. I wince, remembering what had happened when I was still human. I remember the green eyes I saw when I had blacked out.

Before I could get too far into my thoughts I feel a scaly hand tap my shoulder and I look over to see Halkrath.  He looks down at me due to him being a couple of heads bigger than me. He kneels down, his hand still on my shoulder. "Surprised they even let me come to see you," he whispers and chuckles, "but let's just say, if they do ANYTHING to severely harm you, it will be ME who will have THEIR heads." He growls, snapping his teeth at the predators who are trying to listen in, making them cower back.

I can't help but laugh at the sight before turning back around to face Halkrath. "I'll be fine, trust me I've been through quite a lot," I chuckle before shrugging his hand off my shoulder and I head towards the table. I be careful not to knock anything over with my long tail as I climb onto the table. I lay on the surprisingly soft table as predators fasten leather straps that hold my body down so I don't escape which makes me shiver a bit in fright. I can't help but whine in discomfort when I feel my spikes digging into my back and the table. I manage to lift my back up and I flatten the spikes down which causes them to get soft (in this story some Xenomorphs have spikes along their back that can flatten and soften to prevent deadly accidents shall we say).

I try to relax when I see the predator with the syringe get closer to me. However, I sigh in relief when he sets it down but instead gets a clipboard like thing. "Now, we're just going to give you a few... Changes. It will help you defend yourself better than the type of Xeno that you are at the moments," he speaks, jolting things down on the clipboard thing. I just nod along, feeling a bit tired but I manage to stay awake. "Tell me, have you heard of the Tarkatan?" he says which makes me perk up. 'Tarkatan? Is he talking about MKX?!' I nod, feeling even more interested in what he's going to say next. "Yes, well, you know what power they posses then? Well, this is what is in this," he rasps, gesturing to the syringe.

"I can promise you, it will just be a slight nip and a burning feeling in your mouth, teeth, tail etc. It will also cause you to pass out for a while. But only if you're willing to take it?" He questions, tilting his head while staring at me and picking up the syringe. 'Sure, not like I haven't been unconscious countless times,' I think with a bit of annoyance. I stare at the needle with hesitation before nodding. The predator then looks towards Jaguar and Halkrath, Jaguar nods at the predator whilst Halkrath looks as though he will kill someone if something goes wrong. I watch as the needle slowly approaches while watching Halkrath out of the corner of my eye. I can't help but see him as a protective brother, alien or not.

I see Halkrath's tail twitch and move from side to side quickly, a sign of an attack. Before he could do anything I give him a reassuring look and hiss before wincing at the needle being injected into my skin. I can't help but let out a piercing, startled screech when I feel as though fire is engulfing my body, fortunately it just lasts for a couple of seconds. I then see stars and black dots cloud my vision as I begin to lose consciousness. The last thing I heard was Halkrath panicking and asking, "what's going on? Is she okay?" Before my vision turns completely black once again.

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