Part 7

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I stare at her for a minute, looking for signs of her lying but I find none. I must of surprised her when I smiled, especially due to me having fanged teeth which I noticed she had too, but longer and a bit sharper, I also noticed the pupils in her eyes were slitted like a cat's. "Awesome!" I say before closing my eyes and whispering the word "hybrid". I feel a slight pain in my whole body before opening my eyes, seeing myself the way I was in my dream apart from my left eye was still normal.

"Guess what I am," I smile, watching Jenny close her own eyes and whispering hybrid too. She had a long, black, scaled, reptilian tail with very long black claws for nails and her fangs were even longer and sharper, the rest of her teeth became sharp too. Her hair even grew longer and darker until it became black and the pink and blue became more vibrant. Black scales decorating different parts of her arms and face. I watched in amazement, envying her hybrid form as my tail sways side to side. We both look at each other for a few seconds, before saying "Awesome!" We then jump, hearing the bell going and we immediately change back and rush to our classes together.

Once it is break we meet up again and smirk at each other, both of us having a devious idea as we change to our hybrid forms. I learned that when Jenny is in hybrid form she is EXTREMELY fast. We then hear a voice and look over to find a familiar, annoying face, Anthony... We then fist pump each other having an idea. I walk over to him, changed into my human form and point at his brown hair. "Yo, uh, you got something in your hair," and 3,2,1 he was already frantically fixing his hair but I grabbed his arm. "Let me help you with your hair," and then I ruffle it up, bursting out laughing as he lets out a girly scream, glaring at me with his brown eyes. I stifle a laugh as Jenny sneaks up behind him, her claws being used as scissors as she cuts the front of his hair, I almost fall to the floor when he gasps and rushes out of the school while screaming "HOW DARE YOU IDIOT!"

I change into my hybrid form, still rolling on the floor from laughing, along with Jenny. I then freeze hearing a voice, predator it whispers before I'm grabbed by the neck. I hiss and lash my tail out, in hopes that I would hit whoever is grabbing me and I look behind me only to find "Evie!" Jenny screams, prying the blonde off of me. I manage to break free, climbing up the walls like a Xenomorph and looking down at the two. Evie's hair was still short and blonde but her skin was sand coloured and she had darker scales around her face. She also had glowing yellow eyes and crooked, sharp teeth. She also had short but sharp dark brown claws and long, metal wrist blades attached to both wrists. She also had a plasma caster attached to her right shoulder and has sand colours scales on her arms instead of normal human skin. I hiss, jumping down on top of her and pin her down "Evie, stop! It's us!" And with that she stops and gasps "Jenny, Elise?!" She then tries to get up so I let her go. "Oh gosh, I'm SO sorry!" She says hands to her face. "But wait, you're aliens too!" She gasps, an excited smile on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, we're fabulous but why did you attack us?" Jenny says, crossing her arms, her black tail thrashing angrily and impatiently as we walk outside as to not let anyone see us. Evie's face then fell, guilt written all over it. "Well, you see I heard a voice saying there was enemies nearby so I put on my mask" and then she shows us a detailed, metal mask "and it said it was you two so, yeah," she explains, head low. "Uh-huh and WHO did say that?" Jenny says, speaking a bit calmer. Evie just shrugs "no idea" but I just sit and listen before a pain shoots through my right eye as I feel a harmful presence. I look around and see a cloaked figure moving towards Jenny. I hiss and jump on the being, the blade of my tail pointed to its neck as its invisibility wears off a bit. It's a predator and it's not alone. I see even more predators approaching us. Oh no.

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