~ Aiden ~

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I'm sorry ... Those useless words echoed in his ears as he awoke bathed in a cold sweat, struggling against the sheets and blankets tangled around him. His heart pounded, his chest constricted, and the lingering pain curled deep in his gut.

Old ghosts flashed through his mind as he rubbed trembling hands across his face, shaking off the sound of her hysterical voice still ringing in his ears. It had been years since he'd had this nightmare, but now ancient memories stirred along with deep regrets. Seeing that picture left him breathless. He'd been sucker-punched by the reminder of her.Savannah's deep brown eyes had misled him.

Four in the morning was too damn early, but nothing would be gained by tossing and turning. He shucked his damp shirt and sleep pants and tossed them into the hamper before attempting to wash it all away in a blasting hot shower.

He armed himself with an extra-large coffee and arrived at work two hours early, diving straight into the backlog of patients.

Emily caught up with him at the front desk as he signed discharge orders. "You're a keener. It's"—she glanced at the clock—"six and you've seen five patients. Working on that promotion?"

"Hmmm, what?" He stared at her.

"The attending job?"

He blinked, forcing his focus onto Emily and the lovely green eyes reflecting concern. Normally he'd have a comeback, but his mind remained a complete blank.

"What's with you?"

He shrugged.

"Pull it together before the Dragon Lady cometh. She's on the warpath."

"I'm fine." He smiled faintly, taking in the sweet smile of his favorite colleague.

She rested a hand on his arm. "Spill, Aiden."

"It's personal."

"Is that my cue to butt out?"

"I'm not up for sharing." He attempted another smile.

"Is this about Tara?" Emily's cheeky grin faded quickly and her lips settled into a flat line.

Aiden sighed. "Why would it? She's only a friend."

"Me thinks you doth protest too much whenever it comes to the nurse."

"And me thinks I'm sick of hearing about this fictional connection." Aiden bowed his head, scrolling through the patient record while picturing the devastated look on Savannah's face. That sad, betrayed, and disappointed way her eyes had pleaded with him to reveal the truth.

Complicated was an understatement. How could he approach Tiffany? Or tell his family about the daughter he'd given up? Best to be armed before exposing the unsuspecting kid to shark-infested waters. Solid irrefutable proof would be the first thing they'd want.

"You haven't heard a word I've said." Emily smacked his arm, her annoyed tone dragging him into the present.

"Sorry, I've got a million things on my mind. My grandmother misses my grandfather and calls constantly. Work's been crazy and chart reviews are stacking up. I'm overwhelmed."

"Want to grab dinner after our shift?"

"I'd be terrible company. Another night?" He rarely refused her invitations as he enjoyed spending time with his dark-haired colleague. Today though, he was preoccupied and afraid she'd pry the information out of him. Nothing got by her, and he hated the idea of lying to Emily.

"Suit yourself." She eyed him before picking up the next chart in the queue.


Everything We Lost ~ The Hamilton Series ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now