~ Aiden ~

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Aiden contemplated the quiet suburban setting from the seat of the rental car. The modest home sat on an idyllic tree-lined street and appeared homey and comfortable compared to the massive houses and boarding schools he'd lived in as a teenager. It appeared Savannah had grown up in an environment opposite to his. Maybe Thomas Hamilton had done the girl a favor, even if Aiden hated to acknowledge it.

He found himself on the steps without consciously arriving there. The faint chime of the doorbell sounded through the simple metal door, followed by heavy footsteps. Moments later, he faced an older gray-haired man who he guessed was much the same age as his own father. It felt odd knowing this man might have raised his daughter.

"Dr. Hamilton," the man said, holding out his hand, "I'm Ross."

Aiden straightened and shook the offered hand. "Please, call me Aiden." He followed Ross inside, noting the comfortable, though slightly worn, furniture. The homey feel to the tiny living room was reassuring.

A smile lit Savannah's face before she threw her arms around him. "You actually came," she whispered.

Emotions threatened to overwhelm him as he returned the embrace. "You look great. Your cuts healed up nicely."

"I had an amazing doctor." She dropped to the couch, tugging on his hand.

He sat, angling toward her. "You were a brave patient. Leanne told me how great you were at the accident scene." Aiden leveled his gaze at Ross. "I appreciate you allowing this visit. Savannah finding me was completely unexpected. I had no idea about the picture."

"I can imagine, given the adoption was closed." Ross scanned Aiden, his concern reflected in his eyes. "I'm sure you understand my hesitation."

Aiden nodded, giving the teen a gentle smile. "I can't say I wouldn't feel the same in your position."

"Thank you for making the trip all the way across the country. This is a huge imposition on your time, but my daughter wouldn't relent until I agreed to meet you."

So much like Tiffany. He squeezed the girl's hand. "I saw how much it meant to her."

Savannah barely moved but her own grip tightened as she blinked hard.

Having those shimmering brown eyes fixed on him was nerve-wracking, but he'd learned the art of keeping his emotions under tight control at an early age. "You have questions?" he asked with a calmness he didn't feel.

"I'm sure you can appreciate how unsettling this is." Ross slid forward on his chair. "You're willing to submit to DNA testing? Savannah mentioned you wanted it?"

"Unless you have paperwork confirming the relationship, it seems the best option." Aiden shifted in his seat. "I don't want to stir up anyone's life without irrefutable proof."

"If you are her biological father, what then?" Ross raised his brows.

Aiden let out a long breath. He'd been debating the same question for the past several days. It would be tough to confirm Savannah as his daughter and then walk away when he hoped for the chance to know her, but this wasn't about him. "Savannah should decide what involvement she's looking for."

"If we don't test? Then what?"

A wave of sadness washed over him. "I hope we do. If Savannah's my daughter, I'd like to get to know her, but I won't interfere."

"Maybe we should start with more about you."

"Go ahead."

"Why adoption?"

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