~ Savannah ~

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The O'Hare air terminal bustled with activity, the volume of passengers causing Savannah's eyes to widen. She dodged through the crowded concourse clutching her small blue backpack, the sheer number of faces blurring her vision.

"Vanna." Leanne cut into her thoughts. "Hurry up. If we miss the next train, Ms. McGillis will be pissed."

"Coming." Savannah hurried after her best friend and joined the queue of luggage-toting teenagers. She bounced on her toes, peering around the platform, her gaze drawn to a blonde woman with a toddler in tow.

Leanne nudged her with an elbow. "Her nose is too pointy, Vanna. She looks nothing like you."

Savannah glanced at her friend, a rueful smile appearing. "Yeah, maybe."

"Keep together." Ms. McGillis handed out the tickets and ushered the group toward the train. "I don't want to make phone calls to parents about missing kids." The teacher focused her attention on Savannah. "Ms. Phillips. Get your head out of the clouds. We're on a tight schedule."

An excited buzz rose in the car as the doors slid shut and the train pulled away from the platform.

The city flashed by, and she grinned at Leanne. "This is so awe—"

A horrendous bang echoed through the carriage, followed by the screeching sound of tearing metal. The car lurched and pitched sideways, screams and cries filling the air as it twisted and rolled, bags and suitcases tumbling onto the frightened passengers.

Savannah clung to the metal bar and crouched with her eyes clenched shut, pain lancing through her as a piece of flying luggage struck her shoulder.

Leanne's shriek rang in her ears. Shattered glass rained over them, a blast of cold air rushing in as windows disintegrated under the assault.

Tears streaked down her face, her sobs mingling with Leanne's frightened squeals. Her knuckles whitened and her fingers ached as she struggled to hold on. Her chest constricted and burned as she gasped for air, still clinging to her backpack.

The motion stopped with a jolt, followed by a moment of heavy silence before pandemonium erupted. Loud moans and cries, along with panicked voices, and an incessant screaming reverberated through the train.

Savannah forced her eyes open and focused on her best friend, wishing she could block out the mayhem, the blood, and the crying. She felt lightheaded and nauseous, sucking in deep breaths and hoping she wouldn't pass out.

A red patch stained Leanne's jeans, growing larger every second. The girl's face paled and contorted, tears flooding her eyes. "It hurts so bad. What happened?"

Savannah wheezed through a parched throat. "I don't know." She brushed at her cheek as something warm and sticky trickled into her eyes, blurring her vision.

"You're bleeding." Leanne pointed with a trembling finger, her voice dropping into a low flat monotone.

Savannah squeezed Leanne's hand, fighting the urge to curl into a ball and weep. The distant wailing of sirens calmed the worst of her fears. "They're coming." Her voice sounded strange and hoarse. She cleared her throat. "Help is coming, Leanne."

"We're going to die." Leanne's ashen, tear-streaked face lifted toward her.

"We'll be okay. It's over." Her limbs refused to obey her command to move as she stared at the odd lump forming along the top of her friend's leg. A shiver ran down her spine as she closed her eyes in order to get her bearings, desperate to shut out the living nightmare surrounding her. Frantic screams for help emanated from all around.

The two girls huddled among the debris, clinging to each other as red and blue lights flickered through the shattered glass.

Everything We Lost ~ The Hamilton Series ~ Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora