Chapter 14

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Rylan POV

I feel a small finger keeps wailing around my chest. My body really sore and pain stabs my lower half. I force open my tired eyes when remember what happened last night. I finally met my angel, my one and only treasure only for me.

I open my tired eyes and meet the most beautiful baby brown orbs. He wriggles inside the towel and suck his little thumb finger. His eyes watering when he spots me try to get up. I hurry cradle him inside my arms.

He had my eyes, lips and hair. My eyes watering when thinking I'm not preparing anything for him yet. It's is like a miracle when he only cooked inside me only for a few months. I drag my heavy feet to our little home.

I know I'm not qualified to be his father but I'll do my best to give him all my love. How I ever thought to erase him from my life? He is the best thing in my life. Thank goodness, I got back my mind before I regret it for as long I live.

I put him on my rag mattress and clean him thoroughly. I search around the food supply and found the milk powder. I know this is not a good thing to give to baby but this is the only thing I can offer him now.

"Allen Conrad Thompson.... That is your name, baby boy." I use a spoon to give him a milk. I need to buy all baby things and lets him be super comfortable. He drinks it a lot. I put him on the shoulder and gently pat his back.

Sorry... I'm sorry son. I'm a worse father you ever have. I can't provide a thing that supposed to provide before you're born. Like I say before you're a miracle in my life, a sun in my dark life. There must a good reason why you only inside only for a few months. And, I'm so sorry for ever thought to erase you from my life little angel.

If I continue the initial planned without doubt, it only brings a hundred thousand regret in my life. I'm so glad that my mind gets into the right track before I commit unpardonable sin. My love for him has bloomed into indescribable amount.

I wipe his body with lukewarm water. He only stares at me through the process. After that, I sing a lullaby song to let him sleep. I didn't have any of knowledge about parental right now. I felt regret never take a serious lesson about it before.

I need to register him but don't know how to do it. I lost contact with Reese after he change to the new number. I afraid these crazy people will come back if I going back to Reese house. Furthermore, I don't know where is my location now. I feel comfortable here because the townsfolk real nice.

They always welcome me as a new member even when I live deep inside the forest. I dress up and take my newborn baby in my arm. I am walking through the light grass until the town was present in my sight.

"Hi aunt Miranda." I greet the middle aged woman who engrosses in her garden. The woman slightly jumps before facing me.

"Oh, boy, you almost make me lost my life force." She is flashy an honest smile. Her eyes land on the bundle in my arms. "... What's that?"

"My son... he is just born yesterday night." I give a short an answer. I peel the bundle to let she had a clear sight.

"Oh my god... Ry, he is so cute." Miranda screams shocking me. She caresses my son's cheek gently. ".... What is his name? Where his mother."

"Allen Conrad Thompson..." I smile when Allen open his brown eyes. He sucks his little thumb greedily. Miranda not pursuit the question about the mother anymore when I didn't answer it.

"Aww he needs a milk now, Ry." I sigh when remembers the purpose why I coming here.

"I need to shop his need... but I'm really doesn't wanna leave him with anyone else." I feel overprotective toward my little angel.

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