The Changeling

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Julia found herself in an enormous library; disorientated and confused. The circular room was split over two floors and panelled in a light walnut which made the whole room bright. A fire was burning in the white marble fireplace. A girl in a magnificent pink empire waist Regency dress sat on the huge red leather sofa in the middle of the room. The second Julia's eyes landed on the girl she knew exactly what was happening. It was 1805, and she was in the Víðarr's winter castle.

"No not again," Julia whimpered.

Every night for the past two weeks she'd been having the same loop of dreams. She had no control in them, merely along for the ride, forced to relive someone else's actions. Once she was in the dream, she knew exactly what was going on, who everyone was and the date. But as soon as she woke up, the dream which was so vivid and lifelike would dissipate like the morning mist.

Before Julia had any more time to adjust to what was happening to her, she was yanked toward the girl. It felt as if someone had attached a giant hook to her stomach and she was being reeled in like a fat tuna toward the girl.

"No, please no," she screamed.

Julia hated this dream. She tried with all her might to fight the pull willing another dream to come instead but it was futile. The harder she fought it the harder she was yanked to the girl. A mixture of horror and repulsion sunk its claws into her making her retch. Julia started melting into the girl. A screaming sob tore through her she was sure she would lose herself mind, body, and soul. Julia bite into her free hand in a last-ditch attempt to wake herself up. Instead of pain she felt a mind numbing calm fill her and her body went limp as she became one with the girl.

Beatrix sat on the plush couch with an open book; warmed by the fire that was happily crackling away in the fireplace. She stifled a giggle peeking over the top of her book trying and failing not to pay attention to Damien; who was crawling around the floor making her laugh with his antics.

"Cut it out, can you not see I'm reading," Beatrix said with mock seriousness.

Damien popped up behind the back of the couch and plucked the book out of her hands. "The Fall of the Seelie King," he read out the title with a sour expression on his face. "Beatrix Freyja Víðarr, why in the names of the gods are you reading a book about the light faerie King?"

She clasped her hands together and sighed wistfully. "It's so romantic what King Oberon did."

"Are you inebriated? Throwing away the crown and plunging the Seelie and Unseelie courts into chaos is not romantic it's reprehensible."

Beatrix scowled at Damien. "He gave all of it up for love, Damien. Have you no heart? Oberon fell madly in love with a dark faerie. Their love forbidden, and he chose love over everything else." She sighed. "I wish I can have a love like that."

Damien scoffed as he stood up. "You know that drivel is just a legend. It took place millennia ago, and no one knows what happened. Besides you have left out most of the legend."

"You are such a spoilsport," she said with a pout.

He waved the book at her. "You and your foolish romance books. Does your mother know you are reading this rubbish?"

"It is not rubbish. Besides, she gave me the book. Mother said sometimes love conquers all if it is strong enough and she hoped I would find a love as powerful as the one in this book."

Damien arched an eyebrow at her. "I find it hard to believe the Lady Regent would encourage you to read light faerie novels. Tell me, does this book go into detail regarding how Oberon was banished from Arcadia and how Queen Mab killed his beloved as punishment?"

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