Cat and mouse 4

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As they carried her into another room Ásgeirr looked at her, his eyes grew colder and he hissed, "Do not talk to me about family. The day our father betrayed us, by naming the youngest, useless son as head of the clan, your father ceased to be family."

Rage cleaved through her at their betrayal. Beatrix no longer wanted to go quietly. As they manoeuvred her over the huge T-shaped sacrificial altar, she ripped herself free, jumped to the floor and barred her fangs at them.

Using her fangs she slashed her hands open and two cinquedea blood blades formed. Knowing she had no chance of taking both her uncles' out but was more than happy to die trying.

Ásgeirr was the Commander-General of the Guard and a force to be reckoned with, not that Thorsen would be any easier, yet she lunged at Thorsen. Beatrix ran toward him at full force and was on top of Thorsen before he even had time to react. She plunged her fat sword into his stomach and held the other to his neck.

Ásgeirr had already formed his twin scimitar blood swords, and he held the beautiful sleek blades in a scissor position at her neck.

"Uncle Ásgeirr, I swear that I will take off Uncle Thorsen's head before you even cut halfway through my neck," Beatrix ground out.

Ásgeirr let out a thrilled and lively laugh. "That sounds like a challenge."

"That is enough!" A voice snarled by the door-way. Everyone's heads turned and watched Lord Dumah walk into the room. "It is a good thing I planned for something like this."

He snapped his fingers and Damien dragged Alex's limp body into the room. When Beatrix saw the anti-dark fae dagger sticking out of his chest, a sobbing scream ripped through her.

"You let him go! Do it now or by the gods I swear I will kill your lackey, Dumah."

Lord Dumah walked toward her, a slow evil smile spread across his face. "I have no doubt you would kill Thorsen. But then again, you would not want to see your beloved's head separated from his shoulders, would you? We need a life; no one said it had to be yours. And he is ready and waiting."

Her eyes darted back to Alex and Damien as fear for Alex's life consumed her. "No," she whispered.

Lord Dumah ignored her. "Damien, cut off Alexander's head."

Damien had a cold smirk plastered on his face as he raised his sword in the air.

She glared at him as tears slid down her face. "Traitor," she breathed letting her blood blades dissolve back into her hands and then screamed, "You cannot do this. Please take me instead, just spare him. I am begging you, I will do anything you want just do not hurt him."

Lord Dumah snapped his fingers and Damien froze. "Damien, wait." He looked at Beatrix. "If you try anything Alexander will die."

"Why, Damien?" she screamed. "You were our friend, why have you betrayed us?"

Damien glowered at her with stony eyes. "You were always so wrapped up in yourself. Too selfish to even notice how much you hurt me, Beatrix. It was always supposed to be you and me together not Alex. He never deserved you. He never loved you as much as I did."

She spat on the floor at his words. "And you call what you are doing right now love, Damien? Don't you dare try to turn this on me, what you are doing makes you the selfish one. Damn you to hell, you bastard."

"Children, enough with the squabbling. We have more pressing matters at hand. Beatrix, I want you to promise that you will not put up any more of a fight. Or Alexander dies," Lord Dumah said.

Her bottom lip trembled. "If you swear on your life and to the gods, you will not hurt him even after I am gone. Then I will willingly give my life for his." Alex meant more to her than anything in this world and as long as he was safe nothing else mattered. She could endure sacrificing her life because it meant he would be safe.

Daughter of Stars and Nightmares (The Eternal Bond Saga book 1)Where stories live. Discover now