The truth will out

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Julia peeled open her eyes, the world around her was fuzzy and out of focus. Confused she started running through everything that had happened to her. The last thing she remembered before she blacked out was making it to the car and passing through the town's barrier. Sitting up, she looked around. Her mouth dropped open; she found herself in an opulent room.

The bed she was lying in was enormous. Turning her head she took in the ornate headboard that had beautiful carved mahogany roses. Dark walnut panelled the walls making the room feel closed in. The only window in the room drew her gaze; a huge sash window almost as tall as her, the shadowy russet curtains pulled back, letting in a shaft of light.

She sat up in bed, noticing the part of the floor not covered by the Oriental rug had the same wood as the walls. As the dark crimsons, indigos and jades colours of the rug assaulted her eyes she rubbed them. Argh. This room is so oppressive. Scrunching her forehead, she looked down at the blood-red silk bedding. What the hell is going on? And who has red sheets these days for that matter? Talk about over the top.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement and froze, fisting her hands in the sheets. When her heart rate slowed down, she turned her head and saw Damien sitting in a beautiful leather wingback chair.

Slumping back on the bed she peppered him with questions. "How did we get here? Where are we?"

He looked tense as he sat in the chair. When their eyes met his lips curled up and his expression softened as he walked over to the bed. Sitting down he laced his fingers in hers and then stroked her hair. He was acting strange, and it was making her uncomfortable.

"Damien, what is going on?" she asked again, this time there was an edge to her voice. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, her whole body screamed that something was amiss. Her mind churned with only one word: RUN.

As if on cue, the door swung open and Thorsen walked in. He was carrying a glass and a decanter of red liquid. Looking at the two of them he smiled warmly and walked over to the bed. "Good, you're awake, my dear."

She could tell Thorsen's friendliness was an act. There was nothing kind or caring about him. He was cold and calculating like a bull shark circling its prey waiting to attack.

Julia looked at Damien and huddled closer to him. As he wrapped his arms around her, she wondered if this was the reason he was acting strange. Thinking he felt guilty for letting them get captured she said, "It's okay I don't blame you. There were so many of Thorsen's forces attacking the town. I'm surprised we didn't get captured in the woods when we were with the others." She glared at Thorsen. "What are you going to do with us now that you've got us?" her tone as arctic. "You must know the others will look for us."

Thorsen laughed as he sat down on the bed. "My dear, you seem to be under the wrong impression. I know we got off to a bad start. I hold my hands up; I overdid things a bit."

Anger flared up inside of her and her eyes burned with indignation. She shot up out of Damien's arms. "You think! I wouldn't call attacking a town full of innocent people and stabbing my mom overdoing it a bit. I'd call it going over the freaking edge."

Thorsen cut in, almost losing his temper, "Your mother is no saint, nor are the Council of Elders in that town of yours." He took a deep breath and put his mask of serenity back on. "My dear, we are family. I've been waiting a very long time to meet you. Believe it or not I am sorry our first meeting got off to a bad start. I just couldn't wait around while your mother continued filling your head with lies."

Julia got in his face and spat back, "The only liar I see here is you."

He a bold grin stretched across his face. "Who, me? I wasn't the one who lied to you about what you are and where you came from. I wasn't the one who selfishly bound your powers and made your life miserable. That was all your mother's doing she even had your so-called friends to lie to you."

Daughter of Stars and Nightmares (The Eternal Bond Saga book 1)Where stories live. Discover now