Family reunions suck

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Julia and the others came out of the woods at the back of her house and had just crossed the road when they saw Rosalie, Thorsen and a huge group of slaves coming down the road.

The minute Julia saw her mother being dragged she yelped, "No!" the word ripped through her lungs and out of her mouth before she could stop it.

Alex quickly held Julia, caging her in his arms, as Ren clapped his hands down on her mouth. Everyone darted into the bushes in the next yard over.

"I believe we have a lost little bird crying out for its mommy," Thorsen called out as he marched up the stairs of Julia's house. "Come out, come out petitoiseau, I won't hurt you."

Rosalie fought against Thorsen and shouted. "Julia Freya Malphas, I swear to the gods if you come out you won't have to worry about Thorsen because I will kill you myself."

Thorsen yanked her head back by her hair so hard she cried out in pain. "What a cold and callous thing for a mother who supposedly loves her child to say." He looked out at the street as if he was addressing an audience. "Petit oiseau doux, don't be scared. Your dear uncle Thorsen won't let anything happen to you. I promise, if you come out I will not harm you, nor will I let your mother."

Julia thrashed against Alex's iron grip.

Véronique jabbed her in the side and hissed. "Would you stop it, you're going to get us discovered."

She couldn't believe how callous Véronique was being. Thorsen had her mother and Véronique expected her to do nothing. She started talking against Ren's hands.

Ren turned to her and whispered, "Julia, calm down. Véronique is right; even thought I hate to admit it."

Julia once again shot a barrage of muffled words at him.

It was as if Ren understood what she said and replied, "Of course we're not going to let Thorsen hurt Rosalie. But we're also not going to hand you over."

She stopped listening and started kicking and thrashing again.

Ren grabbed her face with one hand and made her look at him. "Bloody hell Julia," his tone was hard, and she stopped struggling. "Enough. We need a plan and the longer you keep this up the less time we have. Now, you promise you won't make a sound if I let go of your mouth."

She nodded and Ren took his hand away. Alex still held her caged in his arms; he gently rocked her until she calmed down. Being wrapped in his arms was soothing and soon she was thinking straight.

Thorsen seemed to lose his patience. He pulled Rosalie into a tight one armed embrace with her facing outwards. Then pulled out a dagger and held it to her throat. "How I have longed for this day, Rosa. All of this trouble and heartbreak is all because of you." He raised his voice, "Do you hear that, Julia. It's your mother's fault that your father is dead."

Rosalie struggled against him and shouted, "You're a murderer and you're beyond delusional. You killed Ásgeirr not me, and I will kill you for that."

Thorsen held the knife tighter to her neck causing a little blood to trickle out. "If it wasn't for your poison and lies, my sweet baby brother would never have betrayed me. You did that. You turned him against me. And you killed him."

Watching Thorsen holding a knife to her mother's throat made Julia lose it. Tears poured out of her eyes and she pleaded with the group. "Please, let me go. I have to save her. Please, he won't kill me he needs me; but he will kill her."

"That will not happen because I will kill him first," Alex said then turned to Damien, "Hold on to her," and shoved her into Damien's arms.

Damien grabbed hold of Julia. "This is crazy, Alex. He's too strong for you to take him out right now."

Daughter of Stars and Nightmares (The Eternal Bond Saga book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora