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11:50pm August 31 Havenswood Council Elders Meeting

Smoke from the burning incenses and herbs clawed its way up Ren's nostrils; the acrid-sweet fumes tickled his gag reflex. The thick smoke coated everything in the enormous basement, underneath the Celestial Sphere bookshop. Meant to be an uplifting aroma and provide a calming effect on everyone. Yet the seven adults that sat around the huge table, locked in a heavy argument, remained unaffected.

Ren grimaced at the pandemonium before him. Normally he would've thrived in chaos, feeding off of it, and like any light fae, lending a mischievous-helping-hand to stir up more. But it had already been two weeks since he and Julia returned home from Europe ̶ to this dull town, hidden deep within the redwood forest on the Oregon/California state border. And in that time he had to put up with an endless stream of pointless secret meetings exactly like this one. The fun and excitement of adding fuel to this fire had dried up, leaving his nerves on edge and his limit for tolerating bickering morons full.

Ren yawned as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. His eyes narrowed, regarding most town elders with animosity, as they swept across the room. Despite appearing to be the youngest in the room, he was the oldest in attendance. Although that fact never seemed to matter to the town elders; they still treated him as if he were a snot-nosed-child. Ren wouldn't have even bothered coming tonight if it hadn't been for Rosalie begging him. He still had a hard time saying no to her.

His beige skin radiated a warm glow, like pure honey, and the edges of his lips turned up as he likened the halfwits in front of him to annoying ants. They begged to be squashed under his boot. Ren let out a sharp grunt and forced himself to focus on the discussion.

Bjorn pounded his fists on the table. "How could you allow those dark fae in this town? It's outrageous."

Such a fat piggy, Ren thought glowering at Bjorn Lessard. I bet if I cram an apple down that big fat gob of yours that'll get you to shut it.

"I agree with Bjorn," Christopher said in a calmer tone. "I take pride that Havenswood is and always will be a very liberal community, welcoming any of the supernatural races that want to live peacefully in our community. But the one thing that has always been agreed upon is no dark faeries. Lest we forget what happened in Salem in 1692. What if the Guard finds out?"

Ren sneered at Christopher Roman. Leave it to the prat to bring up the Salem Witch Trials yet again. You love acting like you were there, had front row seats, and were one of the lucky few that made it out alive. But everyone here knows you weren't even born in 1692, you lanky, repugnant asshat.

Although Christopher was disagreeable for the sake of it, but Ren had to grudgingly admit Christopher made a weak point. Which, left a very sour taste in his mouth.

Salem was much like Havenswood in that it too welcomed supernaturals of all races, even dark faeries. Many of them formed mixed race relationships and had mixed-blood children. Except Salem took it a step too far and allowed the dark fae to have mixed-race children, breaking one of the biggest laws in the paranormal world. A law that was absolute, and if disobeyed would bring down the swift and ruthless hand of the Guard to exact punishment. Nevertheless, Havenswood letting three dark fae brats move into town was completely different to what happened in Salem.

Felicia Delarosa, shook her head. "Oh please," she scoffed, "don't be so dramatic, Christopher. Salem was a different situation. I would know; I was there. Besides, the Guard is too busy caught up in the dark fae war. They have all but forgotten about those of us that have nothing to do with the war."

Aubrey Luna shot out of her seat forcing Ren's attention on her. Whenever he looked at the ill-natured woman, the urge to slap the scowl, permanently glued to her face, off engulfed him.

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