Life's a Beach 2

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When Julia's eyes met Alex's she flushed, and it felt as if her heart was trying to rip itself out of her chest. She couldn't believe they were here; it was a nightmare come true. After that night in Paris where they'd drugged her with gods know what, they'd dumped her off at her hotel and disappeared. She had to deal with Ren when she woke up the next morning. He was beyond enraged; she'd never seen him that angry in her life. It ruined the few days they had left in Paris because he refused to let her leave their hotel.

Returning to Havenswood was the only silver lining to living in a town where nothing ever happened, knowing she would never have to see them ever again. As she stared at them she felt her entire world turning upside down.

Mr Usui looked at the dark faeries with an amused expression. It annoyed Julia that he was acting like the confrontation was a huge joke.

"Since this is your first day, I'll excuse your tardiness, but don't be late again. Class, let me introduce you to your new classmates." Mr Usui pointed to each of the god-like beauties standing in front of everyone. "Prince Damien Mietitore, Prince Alexander Griffemort and Miss Véronique Beaumont are pureblood dark fae. Please make them feel welcome. You guys can take those empty seats over there." He pointed to the three desks exactly across from Julia's on the other side of the room.

As they walked to their seats Ren continued, "The gods created more light fae, the demons created more dark leeches, and the war intensified." He leered at Véronique in a goading manner. "It's no secret that light faeries are bloodthirsty," he took a long pause then added, "and if you must dark faeries are as well but only in the parasitic way. Anyway, no one knows what ended the war."

"Wrong again you delusional sprite. Everyone knows the war ended because neither the gods nor the demons could put up with the light fae. An eternity in Tartarus was preferable than having to dealing with your petulant species," Véronique shot back at him.

His glare turned into an icy glower. Julia could tell by the way the muscles in his jaw clenched he was pissed. Her hand shot out; closing her fingers round Ren's trying to hold him back from doing anything stupid. She glanced around the room and everyone, even Mr Usui, was on the edge of their chairs waiting for Ren's reaction.

No one messed with Ren. It was one of those unwritten rules that everyone, especially the pureblood light fae, respected. Whenever Julia asked him why the full blood light fae seemed to put him on a pedestal, he would always give her the same story. About how in the past he was a badass in Arcadia and how his actions got him banished for a while. She knew there was a huge story behind it but she could never get him to tell her.

Alex cut the tension as he said, "The gods and demons finally came to an agreement. The gods would rule the heavens and the demons would rule the underworld; leaving Earth to be ruled by the supernaturals."

Ren squeezed Julia's hand before letting it go and leaned back in his chair. "Leave it to a fanger to butt in where he isn't needed."

Véronique started to stand, but Alex grabbed her arm and yanked her back down.

Ren continued as if nothing happened, "Many eons passed and with it many wars between the noble light fae and the scummy dark Tinks."

Véronique jumped out of her seat faster than either Alex or Damien could catch her. Her long bony fingers curled round Ren's throat and hulled him out of his seat. "I'll rip that slimy tongue out of your mouth you dirty piskie."

Julia looked around the classroom and saw everyone was too shocked to help, she turned to Mr Usui, "aren't you going to stop this madness?" and said in high-pitched voice.

When he only gave her a shrug, Julia knew her strength was the only thing she had that could help her best friend. She slammed her palms on her desk causing it to groan in protest to her harsh treatment. The legs of her chair scraped against the tile floor as she pushed it away from her desk. The muscles in her arms and legs tensed, ready to start throwing punches the second she jumped out of her seat.

Daughter of Stars and Nightmares (The Eternal Bond Saga book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon