Chapter 2

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March 3rd
St. Moore's Charter School

"The Justice League." Parker made the biggest eyes she ever had. "And you're not joking?"

"Miss Parker," Mr. Wayne closed his brief case and stood up. "I'd like to take you on a trip." He walked out of the room. Whether or not she followed him would be the answer to whether or not she would work for him. She grabbed her backpack and headed down, following him and making her choice.

"Mr. Wayne," she said, trying to keep up with his fast steps in the hallway. "It is the middle of the school day."

"And everyone else is in class." He verified. "I will have a permission slip given to all your professors for the remainder of the day."

"But..." She jogged a few steps to catch up. "You can't just take me out of this place. You have to..."

"I am fully aware of the process." He looked sideways at her. "I have waited three weeks to go through all the steps. I have legal custody of you for the remainder of this and next month."

"You?" She continued with her interrogation.

"Of course, I can leave you here and you don't have to come with me."

"No." She shook her head frantically, running another five steps. "I just did not expect..."

He held up a hand to stop her blabbing.   "I know there are many questions that need answering. And I will answer them all, but first I am going to show you something." They reached the exit of the long building. Outside a limousine was waiting for them. The driver came out and opened the door for Mr. Wayne. "Remember," he warned just before they reached earshot of the driver. "There is a reason we asked for your signature. Honor your silence."

He gestured for her to get in the car before him. She took a seat back-facing the driver. "Tell me where we're going." She demanded.

He met her gaze. "Somewhere for you to work." Was his only answer.

"What is my work?" She furthered.

"You will know soon. I promise." He looked out the window, then to his phone, then back to her. "Looks like I'm going to be tied up. I'm going to have my assistant explain the finer details."

"Finer? You haven't given my any details at all."

Mr. Wayne sighed. "You have a lot of questions." He remembered what he had been told about her testing people without them knowing it. "Is this a test?"

Perhaps she didn't know she was testing them either. It had become a subconscious thing. His questions made her curious. Curiosity lead to trust. One thing was for sure in her mind: Bruce Wayne was a trustworthy man.

She only nodded.

The trip to Wayne Manor took half an hour. During that time, the billionaire she sat opposite of constantly chatted on the phone, making deals, requesting things. Always something else to do when you're that important, she guessed.

She grew increasingly bored as time wore on. They reached their destination just before she snapped.

She exited the vehicle. Then the door shut behind her. The window rolled down. "He's waiting inside for you." Mr. Wayne said. "I'm sorry I don't have time to show you in." He drove away without waiting for a response.

She was left in the dust of the limousine. Then, looking up the dozens of steps, she began climbing. When she reached the top, she knocked on the door.

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