Chapter 14

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July 4th
Gotham City

"BATMAN!" Mister Freeze yelled. The ice villain looked around for the Dark Knight to arrive.

"It's almost like he wants to be found." A voice told Robin over the comm. "What do you think he's up to?"

"Don't know." Answered the Boy Wonder. "Don't care. We'll insured it out later." He threw a batarang at Freeze, attracting the villain's attention.

The distraction worked. "I was wondering when—" He stopped when he noticed the teenage vigilante. A laugh escaped him. "Boy Wonder," he greeted. "The Bat send you to drag me off to prison?" He shot a disapproving look at Robin. "Frankly, I'm underwhelmed."

"Great." Robin muttered. "I'm kind of in a hurry here." He produced a set of batarangs, preparing to throw.

"Just get it over with." Covert yelled, annoyed.

Mister Freeze looked underwhelmed. "Kids– always in a rush."

Robin gave one of his signature grins. "Wasn't talking to you."

"Thank you." Covert yelled exasperatingly.

Mister Freeze understood. He began turning around. "Finally. I was wondering what a guy had to do to get attention around here."

Then, the Bat blocked out the sun with his wings, and the villain knew his scheme was over.

Covert's voice once again spoke into the comlink. "Come on!"

Instead of annoyance, Robin felt only excitement. "Today's the day."


The Dynamic Duo awaited the final mentor and protégé. With them stood Aquaman, Aqualad, Green Arrow, and Speedy. Robin found it ironic that the fastest members were the last ones to arrive.

"Gonna have to disable the link." Covert's familiar voice said. "See you guys in a few." She shut it off before either the Bat or the Bird could reply.

Suddenly, the two speedsters appeared in front of them. "Aww man!" Kid Flash yelled. "I knew we would be the last ones here."

The paparazzi was having a field day with the arrival of all four sidekicks.

"All four of us in one place," Robin muttered aloud.

"Frankly," KF whispered to his friend. "I'm a little overwhelmed.

The Bird's brow furrowed. "You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't anyone just... whelmed?" Suddenly, the gigantic statues of the original six came into view for him. "Oh. That's why."

The other teen protege waited for the at the entrance. "Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Covert greeted. Instead of typical civilian clothes, she had finally decided on an easy and comfortable dark suit with an even darker cloak complete with a hood. Of course, the mask had stayed, but the throw on clothes had vanished. To anyone looking in, they would see someone who resembled an assassin, which she was not. The look was just intimidating, which she was.

She continued to greet the new team members. "You now have unlimited access to the gym, a fully stocked galley, and, of course, the library." She gestured in the general directions for each place. A door waited in the center of the statues. It was small, but it divided the League members from the citizens. Tapping a computer screen, Covert easily scanned the members in.

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