Chapter 15

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July 7th
Wayne Manor

Parker walked down the long corridors of her home. Her baby monkey rested in her hand, curling itself between her fingers. The past two days had been terrible for her. Dick would not speak to her. Bruce always seemed to be out. Her work had consumed most of her time, and she had made tremendous progress.

The lonely days dragged on still, and her bore done conquered her work. One could only program so much a day. Her mind wandered to her best friend's thoughts. What was Dick thinking? He claimed he was not angry, yet he had been acted nothing but. He kept his distance, not even being in the same room as her.

Charlie made a small sound. The monkey seemed to sense her sadness. He offered an innocent look at Parker. She smiled back reassuringly. "I know you love me."

Her feet betrayed her, taking her to the garden out back. She gazed at the rose trees and hanging fusia everywhere. A greenhouse connected with the main footpath, and she entered. The tropical environment had always been familiar to her. The warmth suited her better than the cold. Even the humidity seemed right. Giant carnivorous plants consumed most of the space, but a few expertly placed trees spiced things up.

The silence was daunting. Slipping out her phone and headphones, she hit shuffle. Gentle piano began.

There was a time when I was alone,
No where to go and no place to call home.
My only friend was the man in the moon,
Even sometimes he would go away, too.

Parker felt the same. At her foster home, she had had no friends. No one liked a know-it-all. She had proven several teachers wrong several times. She would argue with counselors and other foster kids. No one enjoyed being around her.

Always her and her laptop. That's the way it had been.

Then Bruce Wayne had shown up out of no where, talking nonsense about the Justice League and firewalls.

Then one night as I closed my eyes,
I saw a shadow flying high.
He came to me with the sweetest smile,
Told me he wanted to talk for a while.

Dick had welcome her into the family without hesitation. They started chatting, and they did not stop for the longest time.

He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me.
I promise that you'll never be lonely."
Ever since that day...

He had been her Peter Pan. The two hit it of in the right direction. His inclusion of her had made her feel worth something. For the first time in her life, she had had a friend.

I am a lost boy from Neverland,
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan,
And when we're bored we play in the woods:
Always on the run from Captain Hook.

Parker had joined the Lost Boys. She found a group where she fit in. Sure, not everyone was a perfect match, so she normally ended up with Dick. When they were bored, they would go have fun playing some sort of game. And they did indeed watch out for villains all the time.

"Run, run, lost boy," They say to me.
"Away from all of reality."
Neverland is home to lost boys like me,
And lost boys like me are free.
Neverland is home to lost boys like me,
And lost boys like me are free.

The truth that was the world escaped her mind while she was with him. Truth be told, she did indeed feel free.

He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe:
Believe and him and believe in me.
Together we will fly away in a cloud of green
To your beautiful destiny.

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