Chapter 19

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August 5th
Gotham City

"I hate this." Parker muttered.

"No you don't." Barbara Gordon shot back. "You secretly love it." The Commissioner's daughter dragged her friend into the next store.

"Besides," Kat appeared beside them, another bag appearing in her hands. "A girl's day out is exactly what you need."

Barbara agreed. "You live in a house full of boys!"

"It's not all bad." Parker defended.

"Because you are totaling crushing on Dick." Kat said flatly.

"For the last time, guys—" her dramatic arm flings were cut short.

"Can we get a pretzel?" Sylvia suddenly asked, pointing at a stand nearby. "I'm hungry, and they serve really good lemonade there."

The mall was jam-pact with the little stands. They occupied the hallways, attempting to attract customers with smells and delicious-looking items. Parker had been eyeing a few already, but she had yet to say anything.

"I could use a drink." Barb admitted.

Kat shrugged. "I hope they serve diet."

The girls got drinks and pretzels from the stand. Barbara and Sylvia shared a salt with mustard. They all got lemonade. Parker surprised everyone by ordering a large cinnamon sugar pretzel with icing. The cinnamon sprinkled everywhere, onto her hands and the floor. They sat down at a table to finish.

Sylvia shook her head. "Where do you put it?"

"It's not fair that your so skinny." Kat complained. "I'm in the ninety-percentile for weight." She gestured to herself. "How do you do it?"

Parker looked like a cornered cat. "Fast metabolism?" She shrugged, offering a bland excuse. "I don't know. I swim a lot. It probably helps."

Kat did not look satisfied. "I have been on a primal diet for a month now, and I go to crossfit every day. I'm just not meant to be skinny."

Barb offered her a look. "And yet you are still the most beautiful person we know." She interlocked their arms. "Besides, skinny does not equal pretty. Look at me! The only pretty thing on me is my hair."

Sylvia disagreed. "You have very pretty eyes, Barb."

Parker stopped everyone. "Could we not argue physical appearances? It's not my favorite topic, and we are all beautiful and perfect just the way we are. Let's leave it at that." They agreed.

Kat smirked up at Parker, who averaged a few inches taller. "So, as I was saying, how is Dick?"

She sighed very dramatically. "When will you stop bringing him up?"

"When you admit to your undying crush." Sylvia jumped in. This earned her a glare from Parker. Before that statement, Sylvia had mostly taken her side.

"Traitor." Parker murmured. She looked over at Barbara, who's expression pretended to be distance and uncaring. "I don't think I'm the only one you have to worry about." This caught the red head's attention. Parker began chuckling. "Someone has a crush and no way of denying it."

Barbara blushed. "I don't think—"

"You do!" Kat squealed. "I mean, most people I know think he's hot, but not many like like him."

"There's a list?" Sylvia asked nonchalantly.

"I keep lists," Kat admitted. "In my head. It's not a crime."

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