Chapter 24

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October 1st
Bat Cave

"Recognized: Batman, 02."

"Computer," Batman ordered. "National news." A clip played of gigantic plant creatures crushing a building.

Covert frowned. All she needed to do was nod at Batman. "Recognized: Covert, C01." She arrived at the Watchtower moments later.

She pulled up monitors and switched on the comms. "This is Covert to Justice League. Do you copy?"

"This is Superman. I copy."

"Batman. I copy."

"Wonder Woman. I copy."

"Flash. I copy."

"This is Green Lantern. I copy."

"Aquaman. I copy."

"This is Martian Manhunter. I copy."

"Green Arrow here. Copied."

"Hawkman. I copy."

"Hawkwoman. I copy."

"This is Zatara. I copy."

"This is Captain Atom. I copy."

"Black Canary. I copy."

"Green Lantern II. I copy."

"This is Captain Marvel, and I copy."

Covert smiled to herself. She had control of the entire Justice League. The feeling gave a person a feeling of extreme power. "Comm system online." She remembered to say after a moment.

Her eyes jumped from monitor to monitor. Some showed news reports. Other showed images from League-sanctioned cameras. Several places were under attack. "There are citizens trapped inside the Eiffel Tower."

"On my way." Manhunter decided.

"I'll go, too." Aquaman offered.

Covert found another hole. She knew exactly who was closest and who should take care of it. "Flash, Taipei is under attack."

"Roger that," The sound of rushing wind and before she remembered to turn his comm down.

"Captain Atom," she continued. "It's a nuclear power plant. I don't think the plants will hesitate to release all that energy."

The Captain answered very quickly. "On my way."

"GA," Covert saw the situation in Star City. "Red Arrow seems to be on his way to help you and Canary." The archer nodded, knowing she would see it since he was near a camera. "Batman, there's another one where the main highways crosses the bridge." She shouted orders left and right.

Suddenly, they all stopped.

"Plants are down." Covert announced. "All available Leaguers to Bartholomew Bayou."

Parker hopped on a zeta tube to the Cave. She could watch the situation from there. To her surprise, Dr. Fate had made an appearance. The Leaguers got there just in time, and it was all thanks to her.


October 5th
Wayne Manor

Parker lay face down on her pillow. Her head hurt despite the fact that she had taken seven-hundred milligrams of ibuprofen. After an hour of just lying there, she decided to do something useful with her time.

The Bat Cave was occupied by only Alfred. "Can't sleep, Miss Parker?"

She shrugged. "My body just doesn't want to sleep, anymore."

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